Saturday, June 21, 2014


Sharing some of my favorite lip products in this fun "Lipstick Addict" tag video!

Visit my Luvocracy Collection to view and purchase products mentioned in this video.

1. Favorite Balm/Treatment?
2. Best eye-catching red?
3. Best luxury & best drugstore?
4. Bes MAC lipstick?
5. The most disappointing?
6. Lip liner - yes or no?
7. Best gloss?
8. Something extra!

Proudly a partner of the Pushpin TV Network. Like their Facebook page here for more videos on fashion, beauty, DIY, and cooking! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014


We loved celebrating Father's Day with all of the special fathers in our lives. We had a delicious meal with my family and Jon's family. I have always loved that our families get along so well and feel like one big happy family when we are all together. It's such a special time when we can all get together! -- Jon is such a natural father and it's amazing watching him father Soren. Soren is crazy about Jon and so am I. ;)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Sharing some of my favorite and not-so-favorite clothing items in my closet! If you've done this tag, please leave a comment below with your link so I can check it out!

* Gap // T-Shirt, Jeans & Hat
* Anthropologie // Leah Goren Dress
* Target // Sandals
* American Eagle // Oversized Cardi
* // Wrapped Cardi

1. What is the oldest item in your closet?
2. What is the newest?
3. What is the most expensive?
4. Cheapest/most affordable item that you wear/use a lot!
5. What was the biggest bargain?
6. What was the biggest waste of money?
BONUS - Show us your three favorite items right now!

Proudly a partner of the Pushpin TV Network. Like their Facebook page here for more videos on fashion, beauty, DIY, and cooking! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here! 

Saturday, June 14, 2014


I am forever thankful that Soren is no longer waking up 3-4 times each night to nurse. Like I've mentioned before...newborns are SO cute, squishy, and little but they are LOTS of work. Soren is about 4.5 months and I have been loving this age so much. I can hardly get enough of his giggles and it makes me laugh a little when he rolls onto his stomach and gets a little fussy that he can't roll back. Some of my favorite times with Soren are our occasional nap-times together and our bedtime routine. I love these special memories with him and it makes me unbelievably joyful knowing he is part of our family and there are many more memories to make!

Currently, Soren still sleeps in our room. I'm planning to phase him out to his nursery crib soon, so send prayers and good mommy vibes my way! We have been using the Breeze from 4moms ever since Soren was born. It comes with a bassinet piece you can hook onto the top when they're itty-bitty and once they're bigger, they can sleep and play in it without the bassinet. We've also used the Breeze when we traveled to the mountains this past week AND when we were living in the basement after the AC in our house broke. Yikes! But no worries, our AC is back in business and we are comfortably living in our home again. Forever thankful for air conditioning in the humid-hot that is Georgia.

I am a hardcore 4moms believer. We have absolutely loved the products we've used so far, and being a tinsy bit of a design snob, I especially appreciate the simple aesthetic and color choices. The Breeze is especially my favorite because it's literally a one-step setup, so easy. Ain't nobody got time to fuss around with a playard! You can check this video to see it in action. Also, it comes with a travel bag that is actually easy to use and fits in our sedan trunk perfectly. I can't believe how much stuff we had to pack for Soren during our trip to the mountains, so that fact that this folds up to a modest size is a huge plus!

The amazing people over at 4moms are offering one of my readers the chance to win a Breeze of their own! This giveaway will run via rafflecopter and is open to US and Canadian residents only. One winner will be selected at random and chosen within the week. The winner will be contacted via email once they have been selected. :) Best wishes!! *Mommy high-five!*

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by 4moms. All thoughts and opinions are my honest feedback based on personal experience. I give 4moms a "mommy thumbs up" and truly love their products. Thank you so much for entering!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


On Saturday we got back from a week in the mountains. Jon and I were celebrating our 4 year wedding anniversary with Zach and Leah who were also celebrating their 4 year anniversary! We are definitely the "stay-cation" type, so the idea of staying in a cabin for a week, cooking our own food, relaxing, and taking it easy was right up our alley!

We drove up to North Georgia and rented one of those amazing vacation rentals (which is the best!) We also brought Soren along, which was a new adventure. This was our first big trip with him and he did really well! We had one little melt-down on the way to Zach and Leah's but he mostly napped during the rest of the drive and was great at the cabin. Going out and about with him more makes me so much more confident in taking him places!

I've been trying to really unplug a lot lately and that's just what I did on our vacation. I left my phone and computer in our room for the most part and just checked a few things here and there or used my phone to read books from my kindle app. It was just what I needed and so wonderful. I get into such a bad habit of checking my phone for the sake of checking it and wasting precious time. I'm trying to learn to just look at it during certain times of the work day and essentially putting it away after work and on the weekends. My heart is to be "all there" for my family and enjoy all of these moments. :)

To sum it up, it was such a laid back getaway and just what we needed!!

PS - Also, thank you all SO much for your incredible words of encouragement and support about our announcement yesterday. We have been so excited about this new journey and we can hardly wait to launch the site in July! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Hello, beautiful friends! We are SO excited to be finally sharing something special with you that has been in the works since last year. We've been waiting and hinting at an exciting Maiedae announcement here and there but are finally able to make it official and share this journey and exciting news with you, our amazing readers!!

As you know, Maiedae got its start back in 2010. We started out as a small, handmade shop and over the years grew into a full-time graphic design business while also maintaining our own personal blogs. In late 2013, after the excitement of realizing we were going to be able to share our pregnancy/motherhood journeys together, we got to chatting about Maiedae and how we envisioned it after starting our families. From the very beginning, Maiedae was created with the hope and dream that we could be at home with our families and continue to do what we are passionate about AND work together! So far that dream has been a reality and now with this new journey in our business it will bring that dream into a reality even more. SO, what's this big announcement? :)

In mid-July we will be launching a brand-spankin-new Maiedae site!! I don't know if you realize but we currently have SIX different Maiedae related sites. It's a little crazy. What's so exciting about this new site is that you will be able to access everything Maiedae in ONE single space. Blog, Maiedae Mixer, Shop, Graphic Design...everything and more! This means more incredible content, updates about everything Maiedae related, and information about graphic design all in one location! With this new site launch we will also be re-branding Maiedae with a new look so everything will be cohesive and work together beautifully. We are SO excited, can you tell? ;)

One of the biggest changes of this new launch will be the blog. We will no longer be posting on our current blogs. Although they will still remain available for their archives! Instead, we will be running our Maiedae blog together! -- This is something we've thought about and discussed over and over again and feel such a total peace and excitement about! Although it most certainly will be bittersweet to leave this space and start a whole new adventure, we are feeling so inspired and excited about this new journey, and we are so excited to share this journey with YOU!

What will the new blog be like? After many coffee date conversations and holding our little ones while sitting on the living room floor, we felt like the most appropriate thing to blog about would be what we know and what our lives are involved in on a day-to-day basis. Our blog will be filled with inspiration, hands-on projects, tips and tools to inspire a balanced and honest life for you, your family and your home. We will be exploring and sharing our adventures in motherhood, fashion, baby, home, beauty, wellness and living a creative lifestyle. Each topic will be brimming with DIYs, honest advice, reviews, fun tips, our experiences and beautiful photographs. We have pages and pages and pages of ideas and we can hardly wait to get started!

Please join us for our exciting new site launch and adventure in mid-July! We will be hosting an insane launch week giveaway with tons of discounts and prizes to celebrate! :D As well, we want to sincerely thank you for being such an amazing support and encouragement to us. Maiedae has been such a huge passion of ours for going on four years and we are so excited to see what this new adventure brings. THANK YOU for being part of Maiedae, you are truly the best and so amazing! We hope you'll join us on this new journey in July!

Lots of love,
Savannah & Jenny

PS - We realize this is a new, big, and exciting change. If you have any questions related to our new site please feel free to leave them in the comment section below! We would be happy to reply! In the meantime, we will continue to post on our current blogs until the launch of the new site in July. :)

Monday, June 09, 2014


Hello, friends! I'm back from my trip to the mountains! I decided to really un-plug during my time away and just focus on my family, resting, reading, napping, was so wonderful. I have really started craving and loving my "un-plugged" time. I'm trying to train myself to not get so uptight about my inbox or "keeping up" with various social networks. I love being part of this community, staying inspired, and sharing my life, but taking time to step away each day--and sometimes a week here and there--is so wonderful! I love soaking in this time with my family and friends. :)

Jenny just started working again after being on maternity leave for a month. I'm so excited to have her back and stoked about working together again! -- Also, we have an EXCITING announcement about Maiedae coming tomorrow! I can hardly wait to share! I've also got a really fun giveaway coming up this weekend too! Yeah! :)

Snapshots of the Week: 1// Maiedae Mixer tickets are NOW on sale!! Are you a creative woman? Do you run a blog, site, business or just love meeting new people? We would love to see you there! Limited tickets available! 2// Our view at the cabin. 3// We went on vacation with Zach and Leah and they brought their new little bird, Dovi. He was so sweet! 4// Our nighttime routine with Soren is my very favorite.

Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles:
* Love these homemade baby food recipes.
* Such a helpful chart for baby development and milestones!
* Perfect trendy and simple nail art.
* Oh my, yum!

Inspiring Me this Week:
Our AC is broken! We are getting it fixed this week, and I'm itching to do some more home improvements and work in our yard. I'm also trying to learn about plants so I can keep them alive in our home and garden. :)

3 Things About Yours Truly:
* I've been seriously thinking about going super short with my hair...I can't decide!
* I love running a home budget.
* I really want to learn more about essential oils.

Question of the Week:
What is one new thing you really want to learn more about? Also, what is your favorite non-fiction book?