NOTE: Currently not accepting advertisement at this time, check back soon!

Press & Features:
Crush of the Month - Passionfruit Ads
Interview - Common Creativ ATL
Feature - BUST Magazine
Dining Room Feature - A Beautiful Mess
Minnetonka Blogger Spotlight - Minnetonka 
Minnetonka Summer Lookbook Feature - Minnetonka 
Featured Atlanta Blogger - Jezebel Magazine 

Some Stats: Updated on May 19, 2014
Total Blog Subscribers: ~7,000
Bloglovin: 3,248
Twitter: Followers: 2,468
Facebook: 3,537 Fans
Pinterest: 7,583
Instagram: 6,597
YouTube Channel: 6,283
Average Page Views per Day: 1,750
Average Views per Month: 50,000
Overall Pageviews: 1,205,000

Other ways to be featured on Maiedae:
Outfit Posts: I would love to wear one of your pieces for an outfit post! I currently run a series called Wear that features affordable pieces which reflect my personal style. I list all my pieces and include a direct link to its original source. If you would like to submit an item to be incorporated into this feature, please email me at -- All items must be submitted via email before shipping. I will only choose pieces that I truly love and fit my personal style. 

Product Reviews: If you have a product that you would like me to review, I would be glad to give an honest and unbiased opinion in a product feature post. -- All items must be submitted via email before shipping. I will only choose items I feel that my readers will love and fit within the ethos of Maiedae.

Disclosure Statement:
Maiedae is a for-profit blog. Advertisement pricing is subject to change as readership grows. All billing is processed using Paypal and Passionfruit and must be completed before you are featured on Maiedae. If you would like more details on Maiedae's sponsorship program, please contact me via email at: