Tuesday, December 04, 2012


One thing that I've always wanted to do, and just started doing this year, is taking family photos for Christmas. Jon and I talked about it when we first got married, but always ended up waiting until the last minute. This year we had our friend Danielle from Valimont Photography snap some holiday pictures for us a couple weeks ago. I love how they turned out and I'm so thankful that we took the time to get our pictures taken. While I love photographing my life and can usually be found with my camera by my side, photos of Jon and I together don't happen very often. Sometimes paying a friend and//or professional photographer for 30 minutes of their time is totally worth it. :)

For today's 12 Days of Christmas Cheer, I'm sharing some family photo inspiration for Christmastime! It's not too late to get your family together to snap a couple shots to put in your Christmas cards. ;)

Photos Found Here: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10

Tips on getting a good family photo:
1. If it's just you and your significant other, try setting up your camera on a tripod and using a self timer. I might even suggest buying an inexpensive wireless shutter release for your camera so you can easily snap pictures. For bigger families or if you don't have a good camera to shoot with, consider asking a friend with a DSLR to take some photos of you. :)
2. It's always best to take photos in natural lighting. Outside is even better, especially if it's a little overcast. Using a flash can appear harsh, but capturing the soft glow of lights inside or sharing your Christmas tree buying experience outside is the best for beautiful photos.
3. Get in your element. If you and your family are adventurers or bookworms, show that in your picture! Have fun and don't feel like you have to be too posed.
4. Use props! Sometimes it's easier to get into the photo taking spirit when you have a couple props. Try making your own Christmas sign, wrapping each other up in lights or wearing fun hats. Don't you just love the one of the kids on the chalkboard floor above? So clever!
5. Leave room for text. If you would like your photo to have text designed over it or plan to use something like TinyPrints to create your Christmas cards, make sure some of your photo options have a lot of space on one side, just have your photographer zoom out a little more so you can edit it how you like. :)

This year, I decided to design my own cards and took one of the pictures from our shoot and did a simple text treatment over it. We got our photos printed via Shutterfly and will be handwriting cards and putting the photos in each envelope. This turned out to be very affordable! Do you take family photos each year for Christmas? If so, what were some of your favorite photo taking memories and tips?? Be sure to check out Jenny's blog later today to get some great Christmas card inspiration. :)

Just in case you missed it, check out some of our other Christmas Cheer posts and be sure to follow along on our Facebook page!
Day 1: Advent Calendar DIY - Here + Jenny's
Day 2: Our Favorite Christmas Movies & Music - Here + Jenny's
Day 3: Snow Globe DIY + Homemade Marshmallow's