Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Last week was filled with design clients and preparations for The Brand Market Workshop! This week will be filled with the same work. :) I got a chance to spend some great time with my mom and family this week. She's been doing SO great and responding very well to her chemo treatment. She has such a great attitude about everything. It's so encouraging to see the nurses, patients, her friends, and our family touched by her graceful and sure spirit. I've been feeling extra blessed getting to see her more and spend extra time with her. On Friday, we went to a baby store together to look at what I needed to register for. We had so much fun walking around, looking at baby stuff, and getting excited for Soren's arrival.

Jon and I spent all of Saturday working on our master bedroom. It's one of the rooms on our list of completing (or nearly completing) before baby gets here. We made SO much progress. The room feels totally different than it did on Friday and is probably one of my favorite places in our home so far. We needed a little getaway and a good place to bring baby home too. I'll be sharing progress pictures later this week!

Snapshots of the Week: 1// New little clothes for Soren from BabyGap. Couldn't pass up the cute bear outfit. :) 2// Love this sweet flag banner for the nursery from Ordinary Mommy. She matched my colors perfectly. 3// Dressers from Ikea. These babies take a while to build! 4// Found a (new to us) dessert place called New Orleans Snoball Cafe. They are SO yummy! I've asked Jon to take me there almost every other day.

Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles:
* Loved this super helpful post Jenny linked to last week about cloth diapering. So much to learn!
* I've been drooling over all of the products featured on Katie's Baby Shower Giveaway. I think I added 80% of them to my registry!
* ALSO, since we are on the topic of baby stuff, one of my favorite mommy companies, 4moms is announcing 3 new products today! I seriously CANNOT wait!! We have some of their products and love them so far.
* In other news, I've been trying to figure out if I should paint our stairs like this or a bright fun color similar to this?
* I'm sure you've heard, but I'm SO excited my business partner/best friend is also expecting!!

Inspiring Me this Week:
Jenny and I have been having a lot of conversations about 2014 and what that looks like for Maiedae and what exciting things will be happening. It's been super inspiring to plan for the new year and make some exciting improvements. :)

3 Things About Yours Truly:
* I JUST started watching Breaking Bad. Jon's already seen the whole show and now he's re-watching it with me. I'm loving it so far and doing my best to avoid any spoilers!
* Speaking of shows, I cannot wait for the next season of Game of Thrones to air.
* I have been dreaming of a getaway to the ocean since July. Not to lay-out or anything but just to hear it and be peaceful. Maybe Jon and I need to plan a baby-moon?