Wednesday, April 30, 2014


It's that time of the month!! I have lots of exciting beauty and lifestyle favorites to share with you today plus a special surprise giveaway at the end of the video! What have you been loving lately??

* Products mentioned can be found and purchased on my Luvocracy collection! Check it out!
* Check-out these awesome small businesses: Coveted Things, & Field Study.
* Subscribe to Ashley's channel here!

Enter the Field Study giveaway via my Instagram account and win this adorable charcoal and white striped bag and matching cosmetic clutch! @savannahmaiedae

Proudly a partner of the Pushpin TV Network. Like their Facebook page here for more videos on fashion, beauty, DIY, and cooking! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Time for another Favorite Things giveaway! This month I've given away some fun goodies from Shop's new collection! Their stuff is seriously the cutest and absolutely perfect for spring! One winner will win everything pictured! Check out the details on how to win below. :)

GIVEAWAY TIME! This giveaway is run via Rafflecopter. One winner will be selected at random and announced with a week. The winner will recieve a HOORAY canvas tote bag, Dottie Sip Sip tumbler, Carryall Duo in Chit Chat and Frills and a Flash Bobbi set in Gold and Turquoise! Giveaway open to US and Canada residents only. This giveaway is sponsored by the following amazing ladies! Sophie of Onetenzeroseven, Erica of To the Sea, Juliann of Mint for Hue, Amber of Under the Oklahoma Sky and Lauren of Love Lola!

To enter, use the Rafflecopter entry below. There is one required entry and several bonus entry options! Best wishes and thank you for entering! :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Today, Soren is three months old! We've definitely been enjoying all of his sounds, smiles and little peeks into his personality. He wants so much to sit, grab, and stand even though he's not old enough. It's so cute to see that determined look on his face. I have to say that it's become more fun being a parent and less tiring lately. I can hardly wait for all of the fun and new things to come. :)

FAVORITE TOY: I'm trying to get him into liking Sofie the Giraffe. He still prefers faces and playing with us over toys right now. :) GROWTH: He's nearing 13.5 pounds and has a huge noggin. ;) He's tall and lean, which means he's growing quickly out of his clothes! I packed up all of his newborn clothes the other day and I'm now wondering if we need to go up to 3-6 months soon. Goodness! FEEDING: He's gotten a lot more serious about feeding times and isn't wanting to feed nearly as much as he was when he was a newbie. I'm thankful for that! SLEEP: He's starting to have more and more nights where he's sleeping anywhere from 4-6 hours in a row. It's not every night but almost! DEVELOPMENT: Tummy time has been going really well! He's holding his head up much better! I'm wondering when he'll start trying to roll-over. He smiles all the time and today was the first time he let out a little giggle. Of course, it was at his dad for acting silly. We nearly burst into tears of happiness after hearing him. It was too cute for words. FAVORITE MOMENT: I love our conversations together. He gets really into his coo-ing and loves when we talk to him, use silly accents, sing and make crazy noises. :) He's usually the most talkative in the morning which totally makes my day awesome. LOOKING FORWARD TO: Experiencing more and more firsts!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


This week was an exciting week because Jon and I FINALLY finished our living room painting project! We had a lot of work to do in that room and with having a baby, it took a bit of extra time. ;) Now that the painting is done, it feels like a completely different room and not a dingy, old space. I can't wait to show you the progress this week!

This week we've been taking it easy since it's been a busy couple of weeks. We also decided to take next Monday off and enjoy a long weekend. If the weather permits, I have plans to visit the zoo! -- Also, Jenny is SO close to her due date, I can hardly wait to meet Rowan, and Soren's future best friend. ;) What an exciting time!!

Snapshots of the Week: 1// I don't believe I'll ever get my studio organized, but I'm hoping these new office supplies help motivate me! In love with Target. 2// Our Easter family photo! Love my men! 3// Starting to record my living well journey on my Instagram account! I'll be sharing some of my meals and progress! Follow me here! 4// I'm having a closet sale and selling some great pieces! More information below!

Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles:
* What a brilliant idea! Using lockers for a pantry!
* Kinda really want this bike for my birthday.
* Ashley is one of my favorite YouTubers, I just love this Beauty & Wellness haul video she recently posted.
* Must try this smoothie recipe!

Inspiring Me this Week:
Time to get active and get my body strength back up after having a baby! I'm starting off slow, but I've been loving Blogilates! Such fun, motivational videos!

3 Things About Yours Truly:
* I don't mind getting shots, but I get a little queasy giving blood.
* I've been on a Boy Meets World watching binge lately. Favorite show!
* I have to have a giant jug of water and lip balm on my nightstand before going to bed.

And Now for Some Announcements! 
1// I'm having a closet sale on Instagram! Follow me at @shopsavscloset to bid! I'll be posting items throughout the remainder of this month. I've got dresses, Minnetonkas and great accessories up for grabs! Even a fab pair of Jeffery Campbell's!

2// Want to advertise on my blog?! I still have a few Spring Sale spots up for grabs! Check out this post for more info or on visit my advertise page!

3// I wanna hear your thoughts! I'm putting together an upcoming video list for my YouTube channel and would love to hear some of the videos you would like to see! Let me know your recommendations!

Monday, April 21, 2014


Spring is here, and so is mommyhood! This means that most days I only have a small window of time to get ready. I like to look alive to the world, especially if we need to run errands or if we're having visitors over. I usually save my signature full-face for special outings, and mainly go to this look throughout the week. Check out my easy, on-the-go spring inspired look! Perfect to brighten up a tired face. :)

Products mentioned can be found and purchased on my Luvocracy collection! Check it out!

Proudly a partner of the Pushpin TV Network. Like their Facebook page here for more videos on fashion, beauty, DIY, and cooking! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Basics are my new favorite, currently. I might have gone on a mini shopping spree at Target a week ago to stock up on some great basic pieces that are comfortable and still easy to nurse in! I think a great way to make more neutral, simple pieces have a pop of interests is all in the accessories. I love combining fun jewelry, shoes and scarfs to give an outfit a little more "punch". Still figuring out ways to best dress my new postpartum body and feeling like a might be leaning towards a shift in style. Pinterest is probably my very favorite place for collecting style inspiration! It's probably time I go through my closet and figure out some of the pieces I'm missing.

Any tips on re-accessing your style and organizing your closet? Would love to hear!

Wearing: 1// Royal Blue Scarf - Target 2// Camel Cardi - Target 3// Striped Tank - Target 4// Jeans - Urban Outfitters 5// Spotted Flats - Urban Outfitters 6// Bracelets & Earrings - Forever21

Photos edited using A Beautiful Mess, signature collection actions in color pop. 

Monday, April 14, 2014


Now that Soren has come along, we have to bring a lot more with us on outings and day trips. I'm a one bag kinda gal and like a good bag I can put everything in AND keep organized. I've been using my Lily Jade bag like crazy lately, partially because it's nice looking and has great storage, but mainly because it can be worn as a backpack and I totally love that. Makes me feel like I'm wearing my 90's floral print mini-backpack purse again. ;)

Most products mentioned can be found and purchased on my Luvocracy collection! Bag c/o Lily Jade.

Proudly a partner of the Pushpin TV Network. Like their Facebook page here for more videos on fashion, beauty, DIY, and cooking! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here! 

Thursday, April 10, 2014


For today's Wear post, I decided to have my favorite little man help me out. :) -- I've been on the search for comfortable clothing to wear around the house while working and watching after Soren that ISN'T pajamas. ;) These leggings by are hands down the most comfortable leggings I've ever worn. They have amazing tummy support and hold everything together nicely. If you're looking for amazing basic pieces and want to support a small business, you should definitely check them out. I kinda want everything in their shop!

I'm Wearing: 1// Tye-Dyed Cardigan - Forever 21 2// Black Top - Express 3// Leggings // c/o 4// Boots - Zappos

Soren's Wearing: 1// Bear Hat - Baby Gap 2// Raccoon Bodysuit - Baby Gap 3// Tube Socks - Target

Monday, April 07, 2014


This week Soren has decided that he'd rather nap sporadically throughout the day, 30 minutes here and there. His new change in schedule has made it a little more difficult to get things done. Nap-time comes along and I'm immediately in "get things done" mode, but a lot of that time is filled with taking time to eat, maybe shower and getting a couple of chores done around the house. I've learned to work when I can and be ok if I don't complete my to-do wish-list for the day. It's ok! ;) Jonathon has been super helpful and is keeping him awake right now as I type so we can give him a bath and put him to bed.

We've also still been working hard on some home projects. Like I mentioned last week, we've started work on the living room space. I painted the fireplace white several months ago, then we had a big project ahead of us...finishing up the wood trim. This particular room as TONS of windows and TONS of wood trim everywhere. We've made it through the priming process and about 35% of the painting process of the trim. We just need to finish painting the trim. Paint the actual room. Get the random section of carpet replaced and we'll be done! I can't wait to compare the before and afters!

Snapshots of the Week: 1// New favorite chocolate. So yummy! 2// Walk time with the family. 3// Working away on our living room painting project! 4// Coo face. Love when he chats with me. :)

Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles:
* I'm kinda a little addicted to subscription boxes and this site doesn't help!
* Love this 30-day Spring Cleaning challenge!
* Helpful SEO tips.
* Must try out this scarf up-do!

Inspiring Me this Week:
I'm feeling inspired to take advantage of time I get to pamper/take care of myself. Jon has been great about helping me out and helping me realize I need to be more vocal about my needs.

3 Things About Yours Truly:
* I've never painted my nails yellow.
* Since having a baby, I've gotten really good at keeping up with laundry. We need those burp cloths!
* I'm just a small handful of episodes away from finishing the complete Full House series. Love that show!

Sunday, April 06, 2014


Check out my beauty and lifestyle favorites from the month of March!! What have you been loving lately? -- Also, all products mentioned in this video can be found on my Luvocracy page! Check out the March collection here. :) Happy April, everyone!!

Proudly a partner of the Pushpin TV Network. Like their Facebook page here for more videos on fashion, beauty, DIY, and cooking! Subscribe to my YouTube Channel here! 

Thursday, April 03, 2014


Jon, Soren, and I have been enjoying afternoon walks in the neighborhood a lot lately, especially while we've been getting a few perfect spring days here and there. :)

Gave myself a little haircut the other day. Things were getting out of hand with the tangles so it had to go. Plus I'm finding it a lot easier to wear down and style. Needed a little change for the new season!

Wearing: 1// Crochet Top - Target 2// Jeans - Target 3// Spotted Flats - Urban Outfitters 4// Tote - Oh Joy for Target 5// Ring - Urban Outfitters

PS - Want to partner with Maiedae this Spring? Be sure to check out my Spring ad sale! There is one discounted solo spot left and a handful of 2-month medium spots left! See post here. :)

Wednesday, April 02, 2014


Hello, friends! In order to celebrate the beginning of spring and kick off the new season, I will be running a special ad discount! I would love to have you partner up with me this month! Here are the details:

You can now purchase a special 2-month medium ad space for $40.00 (a $20.00 discount!!). This ad space will run for two-months and you'll also have the opportunity to participate in my monthly "Favorite Things" giveaway! There are only 20 spots available at this discount! --- Secondly, I'm running a special on my large solo spot for the month of April, May and June! Use the discount code: SPRINGSOLO to receive 25% off! Hooray! -- Purchase your space below or on my ad page! Happy Spring!! :)

Tuesday, April 01, 2014


It's a little difficult to believe that we've had Soren in our life for 9 weeks. Just as it was difficult for us to imagine him in our life, it's now become difficult for us to imagine him not in our lives. It has been an incredible experience being a mother, and it has brought me so much joy. I sit here looking at this sweet boy and am just overwhelmed that he came from Jon and me. I've said this before, but I've loved being a parent with Jon. Knowing him for almost 10 years and now having this new experience with him is so "right" and we've loved it.

I've found myself getting really excited about all of the stages of childhood ahead. Saying his first words, becoming overwhelmingly excited about Christmas, learning about the world around him, developing his personality. There is so much to look forward to. :) Right now he's been spending a lot more time awake and aware. He's smiling LOTS and coo-ing up a storm. He's a happy boy.

It has been interesting working on finding a balance between caring for him, caring for my home, and working over this past month. I've found that If I keep myself organized and scheduled and not over-ambitious, than I can make it work and get things done while still enjoying him. I sure do work like a mad-woman when he goes down for his nap, though! ;) -- It really has also been a huge, gigantic blessing having my parents and in-laws so close. We are a close family and they have loved spending time with Soren. My mom usually comes over 1-2 times each week to spend time with me, cuddle Soren, and help me get things done. She also helps keep me inspired to stay healthy and eat yummy foods. It has been such a treasure developing a closer relationship with her, I'm so glad she is now cancer-free, in full recovery and rocking a bad-a$$ pixie. ;) She loves being a grandma and I love watching her be a grandma. :)

I also have to say that it sure feels good to be on the other side of this recovery. I feel so much more like myself. My body feels better, my mind is clearer and my energy is getting back up to normal status. I have to say that patience with the healing process and doing my best to eat well, take vitamins and rest really helped. -- I've been planning to share my birth story sometime this month with you, I just need to carve out some good time to write it all out. Soren sure decided to make a grand-entrance!! ;)

Nine weeks down, a lifetime to go. :)