Friday, September 20, 2013


Hello and welcome to another Favorite Things Giveaway!! It's been so fun featuring some of my favorite products to give away to you! This month I am SUPER excited to be giving away a 1-month subscription to Popsugar and Olivebox! A $55 value!! Since the beginning of the year, I've been trying out different surprise subscription boxes. There are several amazing companies that curate amazing products, put them in a gift box, and ship them to you each month. There are paper and handmade goods, beauty, and lifestyle boxes, and they are SO fun to get in the mail each month. I'm currently subscribed to Popsugar and Ipsy Glam Bag! It's such a fun thing to look forward to each month. :)

This giveaway is run via rafflecopter. One winner will be selected at random and announced one week from now. The winner will receive a 1-month subscription to Popsugar and Olivebox! Giveaway is open to US residents only. This giveaway is sponsored by the following amazing ladies and businesses: Violet of Blythe Ponytail Parades, Maddie of Madalynne, Melissa of Bubby and Bean, Leah of Style Wise, Jenny of Jenny Highsmith and Jacquie of Shade of a Bonsai. If you would like to sponsor future "Favorite Things" giveaways, become a sponsor! More information here.

To enter, use the Rafflecopter entry below. There is one required entry and several bonus entry options!  Best of luck!! Have a wonderful and happy weekend, friends! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway