Great week! Worked on a handful of design projects, did some planning for MaieDae, and today is Sunday which means family day! So, while I'm making hundreds of flowers for the upcoming MaieDae handmades sale, I'm spending some good time with my family and the in-laws. Hope you enjoy your Superbowl Sunday!
- leather Design is Mine
- The Collector Part 2 by Dainty Squid
- Making a Custom Day Planner Part 2 by Kyla Roma
- How to Give your Photos a Cool Retro Analog Effect by Poppytalk
- A Couple Things I'm Way too Excited About by MaieDae
- I used to wear an eye-patch when I was little (my left eye ain't so good.)
- I've been out of the country 5 times.
- My first celebrity crush was Jonathan Taylor Thomas from "Home Improvement". :)