Thursday, February 17, 2011

Top 25 Most Played

The weather is stunning in San Antonio right now. Too bad I can't enjoy it more! I've been working long days in "video village" running through tech rehearsals for Seminar. Yesterday, I got to see the logo I designed for Seminar up on the gigantic LED screen in the was so overwhelming to see my work in my face like! While working, I've been listening to my playlist over and over again and I thought I would share my Top 25 Most Played song on iTunes. Do we have any in common??

25 - Strange & Unprepared by Copeland | You Are My Sunshine

24 - Chupee - Cocoon | My Friends All Died in a Plane Crash
23 - I'm Going Home - Tim Curry | Rocky Horror Picture Show
22 - Garbage Truck - Sex Bob-Omb | Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
21 - Gold Guns And Girls - Metric | Fantasies
20 - Dog Days a Over - Florence And The Machines | Lungs
19 - Go - The Civil Wars | Poison & Wine EP
18 - La Vie En Rose - Pomplamoose | Cover

17 - When We First Met - Hellogoodbye | Would It Kill You
16 - Owls - Cocoon | My Friends All Died in a Plane Crash
15 - Seesaw - Cocoon | My Friends All Died in a Plane Crash
14 - Innocent - Taylor Swift | Speak Now

13 - Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons | Sigh No More
12 - I Don't Feel It Anymore - William Fitzsimmons | The Sparrow And The Crow
11 - Eclipse (All Yours) - Metric | The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
10 - Tip Of My Tongue - The Civil Wars | Poison & Wine EP
09 - Just A Boy - Angus & Julia Stone | A Book Like This
08 - Help I'm Alive - Metric | Fantasies
07 - The Funeral - Band of Horses | Everything All The Time
06 - I Can Make You a Man - Tim Curry | Rocky Horror Picture Show
05 - Collect Call - Metric | Fantasies
04 - Pressing Flowers - The Civil Wars | Poison & Wine EP
03 - Black Sheep - Metric | Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

02 - Poison & Wine - The Civil Wars | Poison & Wine EP
01 - Betrayed by Bones - Hellogoodbye | Would it Kill You

I feel like Sigur Ros, Jonsi & MGMT should be on here too...Have any band suggestions or favorite songs right now?? I'll do a San Antonio picture post soon and let you see where I'm working! Cheers.