Friday, September 28, 2012


"This is your wake-up call; pick up, Gorgeous!"

A huge part of my wellness journey is to educate myself. I wanted to read and study what was truly good for me, what my body could do without, and what my body needs to run at the "best me"! After sending out a tweet for some book suggestions, someone recommended I try reading Kris Carr's, Crazy Sexy Diet. After checking out some of the reviews of the book, it looked like a good fit for what I was leaning towards, so I purchased it.

I'm a little bit of a slow reader, so it's taken me a handful of weeks to completely digest the whole book, but I have to say, this book truly changed my perspective on health and really, really motivated me! In other words, I LOVE this book. Kris is a wellness warrior. She is super sassy, entertaining, passionate, and not afraid to tell you how it is. She has a powerful personal story and a glow for life. I've been telling all of my friends and family to read this book like a bad infomercial and they all ask me, "What do you like about the book?" Here are a couple of my favorite things:

1. Kris presents the Crazy Sexy Diet as a lifestyle. It isn't about fad dieting to get from point A to point B and it isn't about loosing weight. It's about being healthy and full of all of the goodness you need!

2. The book is very educational. She has a lot of professionals speak into different areas of the book and explain why things are good and NOT good for your body in detail. There are a lot of charts, breakdowns, and Crazy Sexy Tips throughout.

3. This book doesn't push you to being vegan or vegetarian if that's not what your goal is. It encourages a healthy lifestyle and gives you tips on how to be a healthy vegan or vegetarian if you choose to do so. She lays out all of the facts and equips you to figure out what's best for you and your family.

4. Another thing I really like about CSD is that it's mainly focused on food health but at the end of the book Kris gets into a lot of self care and love yourself tips as a huge part of the CSD, which is so good! Sometimes we get caught up with eating healthy or exercising and forget to climb into a warm bath with candles and just relax. I love all of her suggestions.

5. Bonus! In the back of the book there are lots of recipes as well as a 21-day adventure cleanse to kick off your CSD lifestyle. It's a great resource. Matter of fact, Kris is coming out with a new book called Crazy Sexy Kitchen that is filled to the brim with healthy recipes. I pre-orded mine last week and you can get yours here!

“Picture yourself when you were five. in fact, dig out a photo of little you at that time and tape it to your mirror. How would you treat her, love her, feed her? How would you nurture her if you were the mother of little you? I bet you would protect her fiercely while giving her space to spread her itty-bitty wings. She’d get naps, healthy food, imagination time, and adventures into the wild. If playground bullies hurt her feelings, you’d hug her tears away and give her perspective. When tantrums or meltdowns turned her into a poltergeist, you’d demand a loving time-out in the naughty chair. From this day forward I want you to extend that same compassion to your adult self.” - Kris Carr

This month, I did A LOT of traveling for work. I spent most of my time on the plane reading and was able to finish CSD. I can't recommend it enough. I spent a lot of time in my life breaking promises to myself. Eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, not exercising, not even really spending much time on self care. I was making and breaking promises and loosing trust in my own words. At this point in my life I'm realizing more and more that me and my "inner nag" are the only things holding me back from keeping my promises. While I'm still learning and only 6 months into this journey, I'm realizing how important it is to value and love myself by taking good care of me so I can be the best ME. I want to live fully so I can pursue my passions, love on my family and friends and be here and present for my life. 

If you want to check out more of Kris' awesome resources, click here to visit her newly launched site! She has more information about her books, and things like cooking classes, recipes, inspirational articles, a downloadable book on juicing and smoothies, plus other great resources. 

Because I love this book so much and what it has taught me, I want to give away a copy to you! I totally wish I could pull an Oprah here and give all of you amazing readers a copy. "You get a book and YOU get a book!!"...but at this point in my crazy sexy life, I can't. ;) So if you would like to win a copy of Kris' book, Crazy Sexy Diet just follow the instructions below. One winner will be selected at random and announced within a week. Giveaway is open internationally. 

To enter: Comment letting me know why you want to read Crazy Sexy Diet OR share an awesome wellness resource. Don't forget to leave your email address so I can contact you if you win!

Thank you, guys! I love sharing this kind of stuff with you. I wish you all the very best in your wellness journey and a fabulous weekend! :)

WINNER ANNOUNCED: Congrats to #19, Blue Eyed Night Owl! You've won a copy of Crazy Sexy Diet! Please email me at with your shipping information and we'll get you set up for your Crazy Sexy Life!! :) AND a giant thank you to everyone who entered. I loved reading your stories. I wish I could give all of you a copy of the book! But I so, so encourage you to add it to your Christmas list this year. You won't regret it. :) 


  1. I love the idea of this book! I need a reminder of the whole picture of wellness most days, so I am very excited to read it soon. Here is my wellness resource along the same kind of lines: Lunch in Paris by Elizabeth Bard. The French have balance in their lifestyle absolutely down.

  2. Ooh, this sounds like a great book! After watching "Forks Over Knives" and completing a month of Operation Boot Camp, I don't think my lazy self will ever be the same... which I'm really stoked about.

  3. Anonymous28.9.12

    I have actually been looking at purchasing this book lately so I would love to win a copy! I have struggled with weight all my life and after watching a couple documentaries, learning I have a slight gluten intolerance along with psoriasis, and purchasing P90X to start I really am ready for a health and wellness overhaul. I need it, my body craves it and it's time I stop making excuses to accomplish it! Whether I win it or purchase it I want this book and I love reading about your journey too!


  4. this sounds like a great book! i really need to get healthy, i know i'm not eating the right things...but it's hard to find time/money to spend on all the fruits and veggies. i could def use some help in this area! :)

  5. I've been wanting to check this book out for a while! After Keith got into the accident (two weeks ago this Saturday), things have been strange around here. Just lots of re-thinking about how we are living and things like that... we realized that he could have died, and his brain injury is still very serious. I think once he is recovered we are going to be sure to be a lot healthier and not take anything for granted. What happened to him was (and still is) so terrifying.

  6. I have wanted to start living and eating in such a way that is good for my body and helps me function at my best! I have so many dreams and things I want to do, and I need the health and energy to do them! I would love to learn from this book!

  7. I would love to win a copy of this book! I have just started out my "Journey to Wellness" and am looking forward to becoming a better, crazier, sexier me! ;)

  8. Ahhh... I would so love to read this book, it sounds amazing.
    I'm in the middle of trying to get into better shape for my wedding! And not just necessarily better shape, but I want to be the best version of myself that I can be.

    And then I go and let myself cheat. Or get down on myself. And, well... it's a hard process!

    This sounds like the perfect motivator! And even if I don't win, thanks for letting me know about it :)

  9. I want to win because even though I'm just 22, now is the absolute perfect time to start living my crazy sexy life. I'm newly married, and it's been very difficult to cook for two on two different diets (I'm GF) and be healthy at the same time. It would be so awesome to be able to cook for my husband in a healthy and good way, and live the life I know I need to be living.

  10. i am working at making changes in my life in regards to my thoughts about me. i tend to be a little hard on myself. i love the quote you shared about not asking permission to live, i have been waiting for permission for too long and i am ready to live my life to the fullest. thanks for sharing this great information! love your blog.

  11. thank you so much for suggesting this book! It looks amazing. Like many other commenters, I have been trying to get myself into a healthier and happier place. This year has been full of stress and setbacks, causing all of my bad habits to squirm their way back into my life. I recognize that short term changes aren't enough - I need a lifestyle overhaul. And I finally feel like I'm in a place where I'm ready/desperate for it.

    Thank you for sharing your journey & inspirations with us.

  12. I'm in my last year of college and starting to think about my future life goals, and eating/living healthier is high on the list! This book sounds amazing and I would love to get my hands on a copy and start plotting out my goal.

    slytherins-heir at hotmail dot com

  13. Sounds like a great resource for exactly what I'm leaning towards for my life right now. I love the idea of eating healthy, because it's obviously the right choice and I've heard about how much more energy you have, but I've never had actual instruction on how to do so... which makes it very easy to have a cookie (or few) every now and then!
    Thanks for sharing your journey and this giveaway :)

  14. With so many health issues going on in my family right now, we are looking for a way to better our healthy living habits. This book sounds wonderful! Thanks for sharing.


  15. As a personal trainer, I'm always looking for new ways and ideas to give to clients and myself. Its not all about exercise. Nutrition and an overall well-being is well over 85% of our lifestyle.
    If I don't win I'm definetly going out to pick up a copy for myself.

  16. This book sounds like wonderful motivation to improve my lifestyle, without the pressure of losing weight. I am so tired of being told how I should look, what I should weigh, all that jazz. It gets so overwhelming that I rebel against anything to do with weight loss. This book sounds incredible, and I can't wait to read it. Thanks for the generous giveaway!


  17. This book looks like a fun AND educational read!! Need some help whipping my butt into shape :)

  18. I was so excited when I saw you were giving away this book, because I recently came across it and have been wanting to read it! Things are not going well in the food-department here. A lot of stomach aches that I'm dying to get rid of. Also, my health in general could use a boost.

    Thanks so much and fingers crossed then;)


  19. I'd love to win the book because as a mom, I want to set a good example for my son. I would love for him to see Mommy taking care of herself & making good food choices. When alas, I grab what is easy since he is in his "Explore/Destroy" mode!

  20. I've kind of been on the same journey of trying to be more healthy: physically, spiritually, financially. I have yet to find a good book on eating healthy, so I'd love to get this book!

  21. I want this book because I want to improve my lifestyle. I'm very lazy like you were and I think I really need something that will help me to achieve my lifestyle goal (and I'll be practicing english too <3)

  22. I would love to win a copy of this book! I am a nurse, so I spend 50 hours a week taking care of others, and the rest of my time taking care of my family. I would love to take better care of me!

  23. I would love to read a health book that is not PUSHY! They all seem to be so judgmental rather than informative. I'd love to give this one a shot!
    smith.d.brittany at

  24. I've been wanting to read this book for a while... I've been so close to buying it so many times but for some reason I haven't! After your review, I want to read it even more! I'd love to win it! :)

  25. Anonymous29.9.12

    I've just purchased the book! Can't wait to read it!!!

  26. Wow, I need this book in my life! I've been on a personal journey to be a healthier and better me as well, as you explained. I have changed a lot of things in my diet and my life so far, but books like these could help me significantly instead of walking blindly and hope I find the correct path. I'm happy to add this book to my wishlist. <3


  27. I'd love to read this book based on your great review of it! Being healthy and well is definitely something I'd like to be better at.

  28. I would love to read this book as I'm trying to get healthier and I also need to make time for myself especially after starting a new job, I feel like there is no time for me. I'm also trying to recover into a more healthy lifestyle after battling on and off an eating disorder.
    The book sounds great though.

  29. Sweet! I've been thinking about changing my diet/lifestyle into a healthier one lately. I've been considering the paleo diet, but I'm currently lacking the willpower to let go of my carbs and dairy.
    As for resources, I love the blog My New Roots. It's by a nutritionist and she tells you why different healthy/raw foods are good for you - it's so fascinating!

  30. I wanna read this book because I'm pretty crazy and a lil sexy. If I could just get my diet right I think the majority of my days would be happier :D
    I'm pretty well-rounded when it comes to exercising & eating but all resources are great additions!

    ps. Just found your blog through sbc and I LOVE it.

  31. My husband and I are eager to eat healthier, but it's overhwhelming to know where to start. Especially for this new wife who barely knows how to cook normal meals, let alone healthy ones. Thanks for being an encouragement!

  32. I've actually been dying for this book. I read skinny bitch a few years ago and it changed my life. However, shortly after that I moved 2,000 miles away from my parents and comfort zone and fell into some terribly unhealthy habits that I'm still trying to break today. I'm definitely at my unhealthiest and I can just feel it, every where, and it really drags me down. Where did the motivation go? Probably out the door around the same time my beautiful figure and energy left. I really need something a jumpstart to better myself again.

  33. I love that this book is about a lifestyle not fad dieting. I recently moved from a city where I sat and rode in cars all the time to a city where I'm able to walk and ride my bike constantly. I already feel better and have started loosing weight but I'd really love to learn more about eating healthy and just being more healthy in general. This book sounds perfect for me :)

    Thanks Savannah!


  34. I would love to read Crazy,Sexy,Diet!I started my wellness journey two months ago and I'm always looking for new resources to educate myself about this healthy lifestyle.Two months ago I was at that point in my life where I wasn't so keen about my body,but the only thing I was doing was complaining about it.So I made a decision!No more whining!It was time for me to take action!So I started incorporate working out into my daily life and I completely changed my eating lifestyle!I am interested in everything it has to do with being healthy and that's why I would love to read this book!

  35. I want this book because I've been actively trying to eat healthier but need some good advice and tips! This book has been sitting in my cart on Amazon for a while, I just haven't had the money to buy it!

  36. I keep hearing amazing things about this book but have yet to pick it up!

  37. I would love to read it, because I'm dying to start eating healthy, and I think it would be a great kick-start in terms of motivation!

  38. I would love this book! I think it would be an excellent tool in pushing me to finally rid by diet of all the sugar and nasty things I can't seem to stay away from no matter how hard I try.

  39. Oh, what a cool book! I'd love to own a copy because, well, I just had a baby! There are lots of ways to lose this baby weight, but I want to do it in a way that will be good for me and my breastfed bambino! I've always struggled with eating healthy..not because I'm a junk food junkie necessarily, it's just hard for me to know *how* to be healthy while eating more than carrot sticks..ha! Thanks for the chance...xoxo Joy

  40. It seems your post came at the perfect time for me. Over the summer I stopped working out because I was busy looking for work and switching schools. I even use to eat healthy, or at least tried to. Now that my schedule is back in order, school, work - the whole nine yards, I've been trying to get back to healthy living, but it has been harder than previously thought. Like you said - my own voice is just not convincing anymore. Trying to talk myself into working out for just 20 minutes is now a losing battle. I'm hoping this book will give me back my persuasive internal voice so I can get my body back on track and living healthy again. When I don't eat right and don't stay active I'm just not the best person I can be. I feel something is lacking and I feel a bit lost and discouraged because I'm not getting myself to do what I know is right for me. So I'm hoping me and this book will be a nice duo!

  41. This book sounds incredible and very enlightening. I like the idea of the recipe book - Crazy Sexy Kitchen, I think I might just have to put them on my Christmas list :)

    Love Becky xx

  42. I would really, really love to win this book! I have heard from others that it is amazing. I recently lost a bit over 20 pounds and i'm not proud to admit that i didn't do it in a healthy manner (well not for the entire time, at first i was a bit starving). I am now trying to focus on maintaining the weight that i am at in a healthy manner, making sure my body gets every little bit that it needs. Thanks for the chance!

  43. I would love to win this book because Me & my new husband have the goal of improving our lifestyle. We have started to make some changes but I feel we really need more guidance! This book would really help!
