Sunday, September 23, 2012


This month I've switched over to Passionfruit Ads to host all of my advertising! You can now directly purchase ad spots from my ad page, and once approved, your ad will immediately appear on the right column with the rest of my sponsors. :) A couple new things to expect:

* Ads will be rotated on a daily basis for optimal viewing.
* I will now have 2 large feature ads each month that will rotate at the top spot. Oh! And there is still one left for October!
* Ads run for 30 days at a time.
* Medium sponsors will have the opportunity to be featured in a sponsor post like this one each month.
* Large feature spots will receive a solo post with an option of an interview, giveaway, or guest post.

If you have any questions regarding the new advertisement process, please feel free to contact me at :)

A D   F L A S H   S A L E !
For 48 hours I'll be offering my readers 25% off of my medium sponsor spots! Only 10 spots will be available at this discount! Here are the details:

* Your price $15.00, originally $20.00
* Flash Sale will run until Tuesday, September 25th at 4:00PM (Eastern Time)
* Visit my advertisement page to purchase your spot and enter promo code: FLASH! during checkout! 
* Medium ad spots will have the opportunity to be featured in a sponsor feature post like this one.

A happy Saturday to you! Today I'm taking pictures of my sister for homecoming and spending some quality time with Jenny! Looking forward to coffee shop conversations about Maiedae and a slumber party tonight! :) What are you doing this weekend??