1. Small Wall Table
2. Coffee Table
3. Wall Artwork
We have the textiles, pretty little things, and most of the furniture. This one-room-at-a-time deal really seems to be working. At least the progress is more visible. The next focus room will be the guest room//my creative explosion office//music room//hang out room. Take in mind: this is a small space, and somehow I have to make all these pieces fit, without overcrowding and overwhelming our guests! Thank goodness for Domino, The Nest, Home Blogs and IKEA. Otherwise, I couldn't make it through.
And now, to the exciting part! After weeks of scouting materials, playing around with patterns, and buying supplies, I have finally produced enough pieces to open my Etsy shop. The grand opening of my shop is in a week, but here is a sneak peak at my handmade hair flowers from reclaimed, vintage, and purchased materials. I have three different flower looks at this time: Rosette's, Poppies, and Bouquet's. See one you like? Look for the opening of my shop soon! I will also offer custom-made orders. You pick the fabric and flower, and I'll create your little darling for you. :)
I am in love with this color palette. I love the rich colors and beautiful textures of these flowers and I hope you do, too!
* Peach Poppy Bobby Pin
* Vintage Olive Bouquet Clip
* Vintage Floral and Mesh Whipped Cream Bouquet Clip
* Rich Papaya Large Rosette Headband
*Fresh Green set of two Poppy Bobby Pins
*Reclaimed Lemon Floral Rosette Headband
*Vintage Floral and Mesh Bouquet Clip
*Large Vintage Olive Headband
* Large Reclaimed Lemon Floral Bouquet Clip
* Set of three Rosette Clips in Papaya, Mustard and Charcoal
All of your purchases come gift-wrapped with love in vintage inspired packaging, so even if this is for yourself, you still get to open a gift when it arrives!
Since this is the first sneak peak, I will package and send one of these beautiful pieces to someone. Want one? All you have to do is comment on this post and the winner will be randomly selected next Friday! Good luck!