Sunday, May 20, 2012


On Monday, Jon and I celebrated 2 wonderful years of being married! Unfortunately, Jon got sick Sunday night and spent Monday and Tuesday in bed. :( He ended up surprising me on Wednesday (date day) with dinner, flowers, and a gift when I got home from work. It was such a sweet surprise. :)

Jon is seriously a little kid sometimes and he LOVES Legos! He has a huge collection from when he was little and our recent trip to Orlando, and visit to the Lego store, gave him a renewed interest in his collection. When I walked in from work on Wednesday, along with his other sweet surprises, he built a "Happy 2 Yr" Lego statue. I love it!!

On Friday, I drove to my parents after work to take pictures of my sister and Jacob for prom. They were adorable! On Saturday, Jon and I left to go to Rome, GA, to visit with friends. We got back this afternoon and spent some time cleaning, grocery shopping, and spent about an hour snuggling up to our latest show with some frozen yogurt. Mmmmm!

Snapshot(s) of the Week: 1// A shot of our wedding May 14, 2010. 2// New shirt I got from a clothing swap and one of my favorite necklaces from Chicago. 3// Black and white. 4// Jon and I grabbing dessert in Rome, GA, over the weekend with our friends Zach and Leah. 5// The Honeymoon Bakery. 6// New vintage opalescent ring I bought at an antique mall!
5 Favorite Posts of the Week:
* Split Cam Part 1 by The Dainty Squid
* Bloom Theory by Daydream Lily
* My DIY Wedding Projects by Paper Crowns
* Introducing - The Bohemian Collective by Violet Bella
* A Little Secret by Oh Renee

Favorite Blog of the Week:
* Oh She Glows - I was introduced to this blog by my friend Leah yesterday. This is a great resource and inspiration for healthy living! It also has some great recipes.

Inspiring Me this Week:
* This - And only because it's hilarious and makes me waste time.

3 Things About Yours Truly:
* For dinner, I had half of a ham sandwich on whole wheat bread, half of an apple, spinach leaves, spicy hummus, and a handful of sea salt wheat crackers.
* I'm seriously thinking about buying these shoes. I tried them on Saturday and fell in love.
* I listen to The Bert Show (Q100) during my morning commute.


  1. Ok that ring is seriously beautiful! That is a great find for antiquing.

  2. Looks like such a lovely week.

  3. I hope Jon is feeling better!!! Happy 2yr anniversary, y'all!

    Jen and I are LEGO and Mega Bloks collectors! So fun! I can't wait for the World of Warcraft edition, eeee.

  4. OMG! Also: those shoes are amazing. You must get them and take pictures!!!

  5. Congratulations on two years!! The story about Jon building "Happy 2 Yr" in Legos sounds like something my fiance would do -- he is delightfully geeky, and built me a birthday cake (complete with burning candles!) in Minecraft and texted me a picture of it on my 24th. ;) Never a dull moment with imaginative boys!

    - Kayla ☆

  6. Anonymous21.5.12

    Congrats on the 2 year anniversary, I wish you would've posted his Lego statue, that would have been so fun to see! My boyfriend also loves his "boy toys", does any guy ever really grow out of that? It keeps them young at heart. :)


  7. The shoes are amazing! Go for it!!
    My boyfriend loves lego too. It's really funny whenever he has the time to build something with lego, he does. And he has a little brother, so that'll be his excuse most of the time... haha.

  8. Happy two year anniversary!!! PS I LOVE that ring!! Fantastic find!! xo

  9. Gahhhh! :) I love your antique ring! Opals are one of my favorites. It looks absolutely beautiful.

  10. Anonymous21.5.12

    I totally think you should buy the shoes. Do it!!

  11. those shoes (and the ring) are so amazing! i made sure to follow your blog! :)

  12. Anonymous23.5.12

    Legos. He's a good man. I love it. They have an architecture collection now, which I probably need to start buying - when I have more money. Thanks for the great links, definitely had fun exploring!
