Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Last night, I had the pleasure of co-hosting a girls' night//clothing swap party with Emily at her beautiful place in west Atlanta. We invited a handful of lovely ladies to attend and bring clothes for the swap! We started off the party right with pizza, wine, veggies, and chips n' salsa. We categorized all of the clothing in the living room and, as people started showing up, we had them lay out their clothing in each category.

We all had time to peek through the clothing before the swap began, so we could mentally pick out our favorites. ;) We did a couple rounds of drawing names at random and letting ladies pick one item at a time. After we went through each category, we did a "free for all" and let everyone go through and pick favorites from the left-overs. We had about 12ish girls attend and each of us walked away with a handful of new items to add to our closets! Today, I'm totally rocking a white tee and long skirt I scored at the party. ;)

It was such a sweet time with friends and new friends. You just can't beat a good girls' night!

And, of course, we wrapped up the night with some strawberry shortcake, mounds of whipped cream, and The Bachelorette premiere. ;) Community is oh so good for the soul.