Oh my goodness! The Maiedae Mixer was on Saturday and it was amazing!! It was SO exciting to see our event become a reality and see everyone's' beautiful faces there! It was better than Jenny and I could have dreamed. We are so incredibly thankful to everyone who came and can't wait to do one again next year! Photos should be posted soon, but I wanted to share a quick preview of some of my favorite photos from Smilebooth. Love how these turned out!! It was so great meeting new friends and getting a bunch of ladies together that love having fun and being creative! You should totally play the song while looking through these photos. So good.
Be sure to check out the rest of the Smilebooth photos here. :) Be back soon with more photos and goodness from the event. throughout the week. I'm planning to take the rest of the day off to clean house, relax and watch the next episode of Game of Thrones with my husband! Yes!!