My name is Meghan. I am the mama of four rescue kitties and one spunky Sheltie pup. I’m a fashion enthusiast, photographer, writer, fashion//lifestyle blogger, and Civil War reenactor (nerd alert!). I find joy in the simplest of things – birds singing, vanilla ice cream with rainbow sprinkles, long naps under the perfect conditions… I am happiest when I am out-of-my-mind busy, or, when I am doing absolutely nothing at home surrounded by my little balls of fluff. Either or suits me well!
2. What made you decide to start blogging?
I have always had a passion for fashion. However, it didn’t fully blossom until after I’d graduated from college (having an itty bitty clothing budget up until then probably had something to do with it). It is so invigorating piecing together outfits and being able to express myself outwardly. To me, that's art... Creating. I enjoy sharing my ideas with others. That is ultimately why I decided to start my blog. My idea was to utilize that mode of communication and help others discover//express their individuality via their wardrobe as well. Just spreading the love! <3
3. What are your favorite things to blog about? Favorite posts?
My favorite things to blog about are fashion and my pets, because they both make me oh-so happy!
4. What is your go-to summer outfit?
Come summer, skirts and dresses are my best buds.
5. Favorite pass-time?
Napping. There is nothing better than a nap on a cold winter’s day snuggled warm in bed, or, on a blissful summer’s day nestled in a hammock in the shade.
6. What is on your current wish-list?
Tutu skirt, ultimate cat tree for my kitties, photo shoot with my pup, a rockin' tree house and a tropical getaway.
7. Favorite blog reads?
Tough question! There are so many great blogs out there and there are so many that I read and love. However, if I had to narrow it down to the most looked at, at the moment, they would be:
Traveling Triplets
A Girl Named Nydia
Pie N' the Sky
Roots & Feathers, Violet Bella
Maiedae (naturally :D !)
8. If you had three wishes what would they be?
1) Long, healthy, and prosperous lives for my family, pets, and me.
2) That all the stray animals in the world would find happy, safe, and loving homes.
3) To travel and see the world.
9. What's your favorite meal?
Pizza with honey on the side (I LOVE dipping my pizza in honey).
10. What inspires you the most?
Family, religion, and my pets are the biggest sources of inspiration in my life.
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Thank you, Meghan, for a great interview! You have mad style, my friend. :)
PS ----> Time to announce the winners of the medium sponsor giveaway! Congratulations Aisha of The Middle of Here and Megan of Megan Ta Da! Please send your 175x125 sized button to me at!
Thank you, Meghan, for a great interview! You have mad style, my friend. :)
PS ----> Time to announce the winners of the medium sponsor giveaway! Congratulations Aisha of The Middle of Here and Megan of Megan Ta Da! Please send your 175x125 sized button to me at!