My blog focuses on fashion, as it applies to my family, which can be seen through my daily outfit posts, and also about the places I go and things I do in the Phoenix Metropolitan area. I chose the topic of blogging to share with you today because it's what I feel I know best. I've been blogging since junior high (over ten years ago), and see blogging as such a large, and important part of my life. I hope my tips on blogging can be beneficial and that you can take away something (big or small) from reading them. Happy blogging!
1. Stay true to yourself! ---> Trust me, if you're not acting like who you really are on your blog, readers will see right through you. It always pays off to be open and honest!
2. Be friendly! ---> Readers and other bloggers love it when you leave sweet comments on their blog posts. A nice comment can turn someone's whole day around!
3. Stay connected! ---> A huge part of blogging is networking with other bloggers, readers, and companies you might want to work with. Stay connected by blogging often, tweeting with your peers, replying to emails, and leaving comments on other blogs!
4. Be consistent! ---> Readers love knowing that every weekday they can find a new blog post up or know exactly what they can expect to find on your blog (outfits, stories of your daily life, recipes, etc.). Being consistent is one of the best ways you can stay in touch with your readers, and is so important to the life of your blog.
5. Have fun! ---> Blogging is all about sharing your own creative ideas. If you're not having fun with your posts, you won't enjoy blogging as much and might see it as a chore. Only blog about what you're comfortable with and keep it fun! Readers love to read about fun things going on in your life, or what your newest obsession is! Keep it fun!