Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Threads: 10.26.11

This is my most favorite fall outfit. :) I love being cozy and warm...and I would definitely choose comfort over style any day. I am extremely cold-natured, so layering warm items in a cozy and cute way is always a little challenging. However, this outfit has all the essentials: socks, leggings, cozy boots, long cardigan. Perfect. :) Not to mention I got to wear my favorite top of all time.

What are your cozy essentials for the fall?

Top - Bottom (pricing is approximate)
* Head Scarf: Thrifted - $2.50
* Camel Cardigan: Target - $29.99
* Crochet Top: Buffalo Exchange - $12.50
* Lace Skirt: Forever21 - $19.50
* Grey Leggings: Forever21 - $5.50
* Oatmeal Socks: Target - $10.00
* Suede Ankle Boots: Forever21 - $32.50
* Braided Belt: Thrifted - $3.50
* Cocktail Ring: Forever21 - Gifted

>>-------> Approximate Outfit Total (including accessories) = $115.99