Friday, November 12, 2010

101 Reasons to Buy Handmade

I found this amazing list called, "101 Reasons to Buy Handmade" on Poppytalk's blog. The handmade culture is just beautiful. I love seeing people use their talents and skills to make unique items. Every time I have ever bought or received a handmade item, it always felt like it carried more heart and thoughtfulness. Also, supporting crafters in their art is an honor and great feeling that I hope to continue to do for years and years to come! So, before I make a call to action, check out the following link:

And now, I am sure most of you have already done this...and if not, here is your opportunity! has put together a handmade pledge:

Take the handmade pledge and support the craft culture! Give your loved ones a little somethin' extra special for Christmas this year. *wink*

Three cheers for handmade! Hip-Hip HOORAY! Hip-Hip HOORAY! Hip-Hip HOORAY! You can also go ahead and add on three more cheers because it is FRIDAY! 

If you have a handmade shop that you would like to share, comment and link up to your site!