Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fancy Shmancy: A Tuesday Collection of Favorite Things 11.16.10

1. I remember the days when I was in middle school and wanted more than anything to be an in-line skater. Normally, when I go to the roller rink I pick the roller blades, but after catching an eye-full of these teal roller skates, I am re-thinking roller blades...these are too amazing. Too bad I am not very tough, otherwise I could be in roller derby and have a proper excuse for these babies.

2. I know I featured MADEBYHANK on last week's fancy shmancy, but the other day, I found this amazing messenger bag. I am thinking this would be perfect for a laptop bag for work. 

3. Seriously, this Cutensils cutlery set from ModCloth is too cute for words. I am about this [ ] close to buying this for myself as a Christmas present...

4.  Oh my word. I love this sweet little illustrated owl calendar by Gingiber on Etsy.

5. I have been thinking about getting some brown Oxford's and I found these little cuties on Ruche. I am not much of a heal person, but I like how this heal is thick and stable. Good for an 8 hour day. 

I am actually thinking about sending this blog post to my husband...