Little baby bump!! I'm excited to watch this tummy grow. :) Also, it's been noted that my hair is a hot mess lately. Baby has been making it thick, frizzy, and there's been lots of up-do's going on lately. I think I'm due for a some hair TLC soon and a good cut!
On a side note, Is it too early to be looking forward to Fall? It hasn't been much of a summer this year in Georgia. It's rained about 60% of the time, gotten really humid, and multiplied the bugs! BUT I'm thankful for rain and thankful that the weather is starting to pick up nicely.
Lots going on! We have more news on the house hunting, which I'll update you on soon. We finally got our bed off of the floor and have an official bed-frame now! Whoohoo! I'm going to a conference this weekend so I probably should work on putting together some outfits...
Wearing: 1// Black & White Tunic - H&M 2// Liquid Leggings - c/o StyleLately 3// Peach Bracelet - Target
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
It has been an insane week! Lots and lots going on over at the Wallace household. I'm sitting here realizing that we started looking at houses about a week and a half ago...We've seen so many houses and done so much since then, it feels like I've known our Realtor my whole life and that we've seen 30 something houses. In reality we've seen about a dozen...Just to give a little update, we found a house we are crazy about, but waiting on lots of things to see if it will come through. I'll be sure to keep you updated and share as soon as we know more. :) In the meantime, our landlord is working on selling the condo we're in, so we're in the middle of making a lot of changes and prepping to have people over to see the condo. It's really motivating us to get the move-out-house-buying process going quicker so we (1) don't have to be around a long time while the condo is up for sale and (2) have plenty of time to settle before baby comes in February. Crazy! But exciting. :)
As far as baby updates go, I'm 13 weeks today, yippee! We got to hear the heartbeat on Thursday, which was so beautiful and comforting. Aside from feeling crazy hormonal, I'm feeling so blessed and excited. I can hardly wait to know the gender and go crazy buying stuff for the nursery. Ahh!
Aside from home and baby, we've had a hefty handful of busyness and stresses lately, so Jon and I are doing our best to take time to relax, have needed date nights and de-stress time. Overall, we are feeling hopeful and excited. AND on Friday, Jenny and I are leaving for Austin to attend TxSC! Can't wait!
Snapshots from Last Week: 1// A shot from the house we love, this is the sun-room. So much light! 2// Bath bomb from a pamper night. 3// Sweet little mocs from Freshly Picked! Can't wait to put these on baby Wallace. 4// Face.
Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles:
* Planning to make this yummy zucchini bread soon!
* Cutting Your Own Hair by Delightfully Tacky
* Really cool/easy way to make mobile apps for events, conferences, etc.
* Really excited about this book! So amazed and inspired by these ladies!
* While we're on the topic, check out this amazing photography post!
* Just started reading Happier at Home and really loving it so far!
Inspiring Me this Week:
* I have been extra crazy over the Young House Love blog lately. It's always been a favorite of mine and I've been a reader for quite a few years, but recently I've been obsessed. It's probably due to us wanting to buy a house and make awesome updates to it. You HAVE to check out their projects's insane and amazing.
3 Things About Yours Truly:
* My pregnancy cravings have been more geared towards what I see and what people say. If I see an Oreo on Instagram or hear someone talking about a delicious bagel sandwich, that is what I need now.
* I really dislike crawl spaces and the idea of trees falling on my house and crushing me in my sleep.
* I cut my husband's hair with kitchen shears. One day we'll invest in good scissors. ;)
As far as baby updates go, I'm 13 weeks today, yippee! We got to hear the heartbeat on Thursday, which was so beautiful and comforting. Aside from feeling crazy hormonal, I'm feeling so blessed and excited. I can hardly wait to know the gender and go crazy buying stuff for the nursery. Ahh!
Aside from home and baby, we've had a hefty handful of busyness and stresses lately, so Jon and I are doing our best to take time to relax, have needed date nights and de-stress time. Overall, we are feeling hopeful and excited. AND on Friday, Jenny and I are leaving for Austin to attend TxSC! Can't wait!
Snapshots from Last Week: 1// A shot from the house we love, this is the sun-room. So much light! 2// Bath bomb from a pamper night. 3// Sweet little mocs from Freshly Picked! Can't wait to put these on baby Wallace. 4// Face.
Favorite Posts/Pins/Articles:
* Planning to make this yummy zucchini bread soon!
* Cutting Your Own Hair by Delightfully Tacky
* Really cool/easy way to make mobile apps for events, conferences, etc.
* Really excited about this book! So amazed and inspired by these ladies!
* While we're on the topic, check out this amazing photography post!
* Just started reading Happier at Home and really loving it so far!
Inspiring Me this Week:
* I have been extra crazy over the Young House Love blog lately. It's always been a favorite of mine and I've been a reader for quite a few years, but recently I've been obsessed. It's probably due to us wanting to buy a house and make awesome updates to it. You HAVE to check out their projects's insane and amazing.
3 Things About Yours Truly:
* My pregnancy cravings have been more geared towards what I see and what people say. If I see an Oreo on Instagram or hear someone talking about a delicious bagel sandwich, that is what I need now.
* I really dislike crawl spaces and the idea of trees falling on my house and crushing me in my sleep.
* I cut my husband's hair with kitchen shears. One day we'll invest in good scissors. ;)
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
When we're not traveling or trying to find interesting places in Atlanta to shoot outfit photos, we usually decide to shoot them behind my condo. This is probably the last time for awhile that we'll shoot out here because the mosquitoes where insane! Jenny and I both walked away with dozens of bites and later Jenny counted 35...After flashes of getting the West Nile Virus went through our heads, we made an executive decision to retire this location until further notice. ;) But we're hoping that will help us get inspired to find new interesting outfit locations to explore.
Wearing: 1// Lace Top - Clothing Swap Score 2// Felt Hat - GAP 3// Blue Lace Dress - Urban Outfitters 4// Gold Locket - Francesca's 5// Glitter Sandals - Target
Wearing: 1// Lace Top - Clothing Swap Score 2// Felt Hat - GAP 3// Blue Lace Dress - Urban Outfitters 4// Gold Locket - Francesca's 5// Glitter Sandals - Target
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
On May 22nd Jon and I found out we were pregnant. We were both working from home, having an extremely normal and kinda slow day. I had been charting my temperature and that morning I noticed an extra spike. Sometimes this can be a sign of pregnancy, so I was suspicious as soon as I woke up. We had had a couple of other "suspicious" moments so I didn't think too much of it. Before lunchtime, I decided to run to Target to "return some pants" and also picked up a pack of pregnancy tests. Got home, ate lunch, and snuck up to our bathroom while Jon was still working. I honestly wasn't expecting a positive, but as I sat there staring at the test it almost immediately turned positive. I think what transpired after that was something like lightheadedness, extreme joy, fuzzy eyesight, disbelief, and a kind of floating feeling all the way to the door frame of Jon's office.
Just as a side-note, Jon and I agreed that I would be able to take a test whenever I wanted and have the opportunity to tell him in my own way. Ideally, this moment in my mind was poetic, romantic, and perfect. The reality was, I sat on the couch, asked him to sit with me, looked at him for 2-seconds, and blurted out with a shaky voice, "I'm PREGNANT!" I immediately went into a fit of crying, shaking, and laughing. Jon held me, prayed for us, teared up himself, and we celebrated together. It suddenly became our biggest and craziest secret. I was only 3.5 weeks along at the time I found out, so we had a lot of waiting to do before telling friends and family. We had no idea how difficult it would be to keep our secret...
Almost immediately I started reading pregnancy books and downloading apps and learning like crazy. I tried to be realistic about the risks during early pregnancy, but I'll be completely honest with you and say I was attached the moment I saw the double-lines on the test. My heart was full of love for this teeny tiny thing inside of me. We prayed everyday for the little baby-do and each week that passed by made us feel like it was more real and that he/she was healthy and growing. Even now, being only 12 weeks along, we're still worried, but holding onto hope and God's plan for us. We've decided to be thankful and let ourselves experience joy and try not to worry too much. I can do my best to take care of myself and do everything I need to do, and that's the best I can do. I feel peaceful about that, no matter what happens.
We had several long weeks to wait for our first appointment at 8 weeks and in the meantime, the symptoms began. I learned a couple of interesting things during my first trimester. I learned that pregnancy gives you a deep, dark, empty pit of hunger. I was ALWAYS hungry, yet I felt nauseous over the thought of most food. I would eat a meal and nearly 2-3 hours later, BAM, more hunger. I often referred to myself as an eternally hungry, vampire-zombie, which are highly emotional creatures and need Lucky Charms NOW. I learned that morning sickness is a lie from the pits of hello kitty. It's usually all day, or at night, or sporadically here and there or in the middle of the night...In the words of Shakira, "Whenever, wherever, we're meant to be together, I'll be there and you'll be near..." Matter of fact, most mornings I felt my best! I learned that trying to train yourself to sleep on your left side makes you want to do everything BUT sleep on your left side. I learned that the gummy prenatal vitamins that I enjoyed before getting pregnant suddenly looked and tasted repulsive. I also learned that pregnancy can zap all spunk, energy, entrepreneurial spirit, and motivation right out of you. There were many days of feeling like a 500 pound, ninety-year-old woman who wishes for the energy to browse around Target or go grab a pudding cup but only has enough "ummph" to select the next episode of "How I Met Your Mother" on Netflix. Reading that the first trimester can often be the most difficult part of pregnancy made me do my best to treasure it AND really look forward to the second trimester. :) Building a baby is hard-work. It's OK to give yourself some mercy, rest, and a freezer full of popsicles.
Some of my favorite memories from the first trimester have been telling our friends and family and remembering their priceless reactions, buying our first baby book and stuffed animal, window shopping for baby stuff with my mom, thinking about nursery ideas, pinning baby stuff like a crazy person (see the evidence here), resting, being taken care of by a sweet and loving husband, seeing how excited Jon is, and seeing our little one on the ultrasound for the first time wiggling away. :)
We're feeling so blessed and excited about being 12 weeks along. We get to hear the heartbeat this Thursday and can't wait!! I honestly can't believe it's already been 12 weeks. It's going by so fast!! In the meantime, we are house hunting and racing against the clock to find a place we love, move in, and put a nursery together before Little Wallace makes an appearance in February. We're feeling confident and good about all of these changes. Can't wait to share more baby and house hunting stuff with you along the way. :) I'm excited to share my first trimester "survival kit" with you next week!
Disclaimer: Please note that my diaries about pregnancy reflect my own personal thoughts and experiences. Every pregnancy is different for every woman. If you have any questions about my experiences so far, please feel free to ask! Thanks so much for reading, friends. :)
Monday, July 22, 2013
As some of you might know, the beautiful Moorea Seal launched her brand new shop last night! Recently this girl has been working like crazy to put together a team of amazing women and create a beautifully curated shop called Moorea Seal. There you can find her handmade jewelry and tons of other accessories, prints, and home goods from other super talented artists. One of my favorite parts of her new shop is their "Do Good, Do Great" initiative where each artist donates a certain amount of proceeds to a selected charity. You can read more about the charities they support here.
These are some of my favorite picks from the shop:
As a special grand opening bonus, Moorea is offering one of her own jewelry designs, a free tribal queen necklace ($65 value), for everyone that makes an order of $100 or more today. :) Also, you can use the discount code HOORAY! for 10% off of your order! Be sure to go check out all of the goodies! Yay Moorea!!
These are some of my favorite picks from the shop:
As a special grand opening bonus, Moorea is offering one of her own jewelry designs, a free tribal queen necklace ($65 value), for everyone that makes an order of $100 or more today. :) Also, you can use the discount code HOORAY! for 10% off of your order! Be sure to go check out all of the goodies! Yay Moorea!!
Saturday, July 20, 2013
When Jon and I moved into our current rented condo last year, our thoughts were to rent the place for up to three years. We had already been renting an apartment for 2 years and thought a larger condo would be a great place to start a family and settle into until we were ready to buy a home.
A couple things happened this year that really started making us rethink the renting situation. First, was our taxes. Tax season really hurt us, being a married couple that's renting with no kids and who both work full-time. We ended up having to pay a lot out of pocket since we don't qualify for many deductions. Our CPA even encouraged us to look into home buying to help us out. Second, while in many ways renting can be easy and it's nice having a good landlord take care of issues, you lose the freedom to really do what you want in your home. Painting or making any types of changes becomes very limited because you don't own the space. As well, even if you did get permission to rip up the carpet and lay down hardwood floors, you aren't investing in your own space and it's almost not worth the costs for a temporary home. Third, the market is slightly going back up and we really want to take advantage of the market while we still can and before things get super pricey! And finally, new little Wallace on the way really motivated us to start thinking about a place we would want to raise a family. While we're not looking for a forever home (although that would be awesome) we are looking for a long term place to make our own, raise a family, and love for many years. I'd also really like a colorful front door, but that's besides the point. ;)
SO, I realize I hardly made a dent in my Project Condo series, but blogging about my slow progress was a great motivator. I really want to continue blogging about our home buying and decorating progress, especially since we are going through home buying for the first time and will have to put together a nursery space pretty quickly!! So, the once named Project Condo series will now be called Project Home. :) To get started, here are a couple of things we've thought about for our new home:
* At least three bedrooms with a great game room/media space that can be closed off from the cats.
* Would like 2.5 baths. Don't really need 3 full bathrooms, but at least two full bathrooms would be perfect.
* In a good and safe neighborhood that's kept up nicely, cared for, and somewhat private.
* Large enough to grow into, but not too overwhelming.
* Something built between 1970-current time. We'd like something to improve upon, but not too much of a heavy project fixer-upper. Something with great bones, good electrical wiring, good plumbing, and not prone to flooding.
* Doesn't have a massive yard. We aren't huge yard/gardening people, so we'd like something that is nice, fairly level and easy to maintain.
* Within our budget.
* Good driveway space for visitors. We love hosting friends and having people over and we'd love an easy place for them to park and enjoy our space.
* A lot of natural lighting.
* Located in a good community and not too far away from our families. We know they will want to be really involved in our kids' lives and we'd like to make that commute easier on them.
* While we don't mind living in a neighborhood with an HOA, we'd prefer if they weren't super, super strict.
* Fully finished basement. We'd love a great game room and movie space.
* Hardwood floors, it's so nice to have with allergies and cats!
* Large master shower and closet.
* Laundry/mud room.
* A small office/studio space for Maiedae.
* A great kitchen layout with a good sized pantry.
* Unique qualities like big beautiful windows and wood ceilings.
* Open floor plan with a good flow of the space.
* Sidewalks in the neighborhood. I don't know why, but I've ALWAYS wanted to live in a neighborhood with sidewalks.
* Located near a good grocery store and nice shopping.
I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you! We just started looking at homes with our realtor today so once we get a few more under our belt we'll be sure to share some of the homes we looked at and our thoughts. We are hoping to move along the process fairly quickly and would love to be in our new place no later than November and as early as September so we have enough time before I'm TOO big to get things settled and put the nursery together. :) In the meantime, I think I'll go ahead and get the ball rolling on packing and going through all of our stuff. Here's to finding a great family home!! PS - If you live in the Atlanta area and have any neighborhood recommendations for us, please do share!!
Photo Credit: Home Portrait Illustration by Rebekka Seale.
A couple things happened this year that really started making us rethink the renting situation. First, was our taxes. Tax season really hurt us, being a married couple that's renting with no kids and who both work full-time. We ended up having to pay a lot out of pocket since we don't qualify for many deductions. Our CPA even encouraged us to look into home buying to help us out. Second, while in many ways renting can be easy and it's nice having a good landlord take care of issues, you lose the freedom to really do what you want in your home. Painting or making any types of changes becomes very limited because you don't own the space. As well, even if you did get permission to rip up the carpet and lay down hardwood floors, you aren't investing in your own space and it's almost not worth the costs for a temporary home. Third, the market is slightly going back up and we really want to take advantage of the market while we still can and before things get super pricey! And finally, new little Wallace on the way really motivated us to start thinking about a place we would want to raise a family. While we're not looking for a forever home (although that would be awesome) we are looking for a long term place to make our own, raise a family, and love for many years. I'd also really like a colorful front door, but that's besides the point. ;)
SO, I realize I hardly made a dent in my Project Condo series, but blogging about my slow progress was a great motivator. I really want to continue blogging about our home buying and decorating progress, especially since we are going through home buying for the first time and will have to put together a nursery space pretty quickly!! So, the once named Project Condo series will now be called Project Home. :) To get started, here are a couple of things we've thought about for our new home:
* At least three bedrooms with a great game room/media space that can be closed off from the cats.
* Would like 2.5 baths. Don't really need 3 full bathrooms, but at least two full bathrooms would be perfect.
* In a good and safe neighborhood that's kept up nicely, cared for, and somewhat private.
* Large enough to grow into, but not too overwhelming.
* Something built between 1970-current time. We'd like something to improve upon, but not too much of a heavy project fixer-upper. Something with great bones, good electrical wiring, good plumbing, and not prone to flooding.
* Doesn't have a massive yard. We aren't huge yard/gardening people, so we'd like something that is nice, fairly level and easy to maintain.
* Within our budget.
* Good driveway space for visitors. We love hosting friends and having people over and we'd love an easy place for them to park and enjoy our space.
* A lot of natural lighting.
* Located in a good community and not too far away from our families. We know they will want to be really involved in our kids' lives and we'd like to make that commute easier on them.
* While we don't mind living in a neighborhood with an HOA, we'd prefer if they weren't super, super strict.
* Fully finished basement. We'd love a great game room and movie space.
* Hardwood floors, it's so nice to have with allergies and cats!
* Large master shower and closet.
* Laundry/mud room.
* A small office/studio space for Maiedae.
* A great kitchen layout with a good sized pantry.
* Unique qualities like big beautiful windows and wood ceilings.
* Open floor plan with a good flow of the space.
* Sidewalks in the neighborhood. I don't know why, but I've ALWAYS wanted to live in a neighborhood with sidewalks.
* Located near a good grocery store and nice shopping.
I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with you! We just started looking at homes with our realtor today so once we get a few more under our belt we'll be sure to share some of the homes we looked at and our thoughts. We are hoping to move along the process fairly quickly and would love to be in our new place no later than November and as early as September so we have enough time before I'm TOO big to get things settled and put the nursery together. :) In the meantime, I think I'll go ahead and get the ball rolling on packing and going through all of our stuff. Here's to finding a great family home!! PS - If you live in the Atlanta area and have any neighborhood recommendations for us, please do share!!
Photo Credit: Home Portrait Illustration by Rebekka Seale.
Friday, July 19, 2013
One of my favorite companies to collaborate with is Minnetonka. I've always loved the quality and style of their shoes and was so honored to be one of their Blogger Spotlights a few months back. As part of their Summer Lookbook series, they reached out to me again to take summer inspired photos in my favorite boots. I loved taking these photos and sharing them with Minnetonka!
Their shoes will forever by my very favorite and I love having the opportunity to work with companies that I truly believe in and love. You can check out their summer lookbook here and see some of the other amazing bloggers featured! If you're a fan of Minnetonka and want to win a new Canon EOS 60D and a $100 gift card to their shop, be sure to enter their Summer photo contest!!
Wearing: 1// Flower Crown - DIY 2// Dotted Top - H&M 3// Jean Shorts - Forever21 (studded by me in a DIY here) 4// Heart Tights - c/o Tabbisocks 5// Fringe Boots - c/o Minnetonka 6// Black Stud Bracelet - Forever 21 7// Midi Rings & Teal Ring - Urban Outfitters
Their shoes will forever by my very favorite and I love having the opportunity to work with companies that I truly believe in and love. You can check out their summer lookbook here and see some of the other amazing bloggers featured! If you're a fan of Minnetonka and want to win a new Canon EOS 60D and a $100 gift card to their shop, be sure to enter their Summer photo contest!!
Wearing: 1// Flower Crown - DIY 2// Dotted Top - H&M 3// Jean Shorts - Forever21 (studded by me in a DIY here) 4// Heart Tights - c/o Tabbisocks 5// Fringe Boots - c/o Minnetonka 6// Black Stud Bracelet - Forever 21 7// Midi Rings & Teal Ring - Urban Outfitters
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
It's time for another Favorite Things giveaway!! Jordan Grace Owens has been a frequent feature on my blog. I first met her in Greenville at the Indie Craft Parade and immediately fell in love with her work. I ended up buying one of her posters as a statement piece for my dining room makeover. I LOVE her use of color, bold lines, and type. Her style is beautiful. This giveaway includes two of her screen-printed posters. Beautiful, bold pieces for any room in your home! Her work is gorgeous and I KNOW you'll love it if you happen to be the lucky winner. Be sure to check out Jordan's Etsy shop here for more goodies and listings of her custom work. Love her custom paper dolls!!
Giveaway Time!
This giveaway is run via rafflecopter with up to 7 chances to enter! After one week, one winner will be selected at random and announced! Giveaway is open internationally. Winner will receive a 19"x25" "Yes Ma'am" screen-printed poster and a 19"x25" "Have Mercy" screen-printed poster. This giveaway is sponsored by the following amazing ladies: Jess of Jess Vartanian, Leah of Platinum & Rust, Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky & Kaitlyn of Light a Candle. If you would like to sponsor future "Favorite Things" giveaways, become a sponsor! Get more information here. Get 30% off advertisement options during the month of July by using JULYLOVE at checkout.
Enter below using rafflecopter, there is one required entry and several ways you can enter for bonus entries! Hope all of you are having a wonderful week! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway Time!
This giveaway is run via rafflecopter with up to 7 chances to enter! After one week, one winner will be selected at random and announced! Giveaway is open internationally. Winner will receive a 19"x25" "Yes Ma'am" screen-printed poster and a 19"x25" "Have Mercy" screen-printed poster. This giveaway is sponsored by the following amazing ladies: Jess of Jess Vartanian, Leah of Platinum & Rust, Elizabeth of Delightfully Tacky & Kaitlyn of Light a Candle. If you would like to sponsor future "Favorite Things" giveaways, become a sponsor! Get more information here. Get 30% off advertisement options during the month of July by using JULYLOVE at checkout.
Enter below using rafflecopter, there is one required entry and several ways you can enter for bonus entries! Hope all of you are having a wonderful week! :)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
I might have mentioned this before, but I'm not a big DIY gal when it comes to making pretty things. My kind of projects are the ones that take under an hour and can be completed and cleaned up easily while in good company or during an episode of Pretty Little Liars. ;) I always get a slight high when I pin an awesome, quick and easy DIY project.
I DO want to be good at home projects and cooking, I'd love to know the best way to restore an old dresser and how to make a mean soup with leftovers. I'm practicing and hopefully over time I'll get better and better! But in the meantime, here are some of my favorite quick DIYs for the non-DIYer. :) Now that some of my energy is slowly picking up (almost done with the first trimester!) I'm definitely planning on doing a couple of these in my spare time. :)
1// Polka Dot Umbrella by Designlovefest 2// Natural Cleaning Products by Kinfolk 3// Creativity with Crayons by Alisa Burke 4// Display Ideas for Instagram by Dot Coms for Moms 5// Beeswax Candles by Oh Happy Day 6// Dipped Spoons by House of Earnest 7// Lemon Peppermint Foot Scrub by Freutcake 8// Recycle Old Letters by Simple Mom 9// Whipped Coconut Body Oil by Babble 10// Decorated Power Cords by Designlovefest
I DO want to be good at home projects and cooking, I'd love to know the best way to restore an old dresser and how to make a mean soup with leftovers. I'm practicing and hopefully over time I'll get better and better! But in the meantime, here are some of my favorite quick DIYs for the non-DIYer. :) Now that some of my energy is slowly picking up (almost done with the first trimester!) I'm definitely planning on doing a couple of these in my spare time. :)
1// Polka Dot Umbrella by Designlovefest 2// Natural Cleaning Products by Kinfolk 3// Creativity with Crayons by Alisa Burke 4// Display Ideas for Instagram by Dot Coms for Moms 5// Beeswax Candles by Oh Happy Day 6// Dipped Spoons by House of Earnest 7// Lemon Peppermint Foot Scrub by Freutcake 8// Recycle Old Letters by Simple Mom 9// Whipped Coconut Body Oil by Babble 10// Decorated Power Cords by Designlovefest
Monday, July 15, 2013
It's hard to believe how much can change in just a few months. In May, Jon and I celebrated our three year wedding anniversary. It has truly been some of the best years of our lives and we've loved being married to each other. When we first got married, we thought about waiting two-ish years to start trying for a family. After year two passed, we still felt that waiting feeling in our hearts and decided to hold off on family starting. As 2012 started coming to an end, slowly but surely our hearts started growing towards parenthood. We soon realized that 2013 would be the year that we started trying and that we hoped to get pregnant. It was so neat to see our hearts shift from wanting it to be just us to wanting, dreaming, and talking about little Wallaces running around. We also found ourselves having quite a few of those, are we old enough to have kids!? moments. Even though we're in our mid-twenties, it's been really weird to wrap our head around the idea of being parents and bringing children into the world.
One conversation I've had over and over again with Jon is just the fact that I find it so incredible and odd that I've never been pregnant before and yet my body knows exactly what to do. Both good and bad feelings/symptoms, it's been exciting and interesting to know what my body is doing and that it's growing a baby. There. is. a. human. inside. of. me?! I may or may not have done the iconic alien coming out of my stomach scare to Jon when he was trying to be sweet and rub my stomach...
I did want to thank all of you, my friends, and family for being so supportive, encouraging, and celebrating with me yesterday. It was SO exciting to finally make our news public. Every "like", comment, phone call, and text made my day and was SO encouraging. When we first found out, I was only 3.5 weeks along (super early) and we had planned to wait and tell our parents on Father's Day, which was several LONG weeks away. We didn't realize how difficult it would be to keep our secret until we were actually around our families and friends. It took all we had not to shout, "OMG WE'RE PREGNANT YAYAYAYAY!!!" Well, we totally caved and ended up telling our parents a week before Father's Day. Slowly after that we started telling our friends. It was a fun secret to have, but it was more fun to share for sure!! Some of my favorite reactions came from my parents, Jenny and Drew, Anica, and our friend Patrick. All involved shouting, some tears, and lots of excitement. They were so hilarious and memorable. :)
I've definitely been more distant from my blog over the past two months taking time to rest, be sick, and celebrate with Jon. I'm excited to finally get back into the swing of things and be able to share more of what's on my heart with you. I've decided to start a baby series on the blog that will include journal entries of my thoughts and personal experiences, inspiration boards for baby stuff, nursery decorating, and ways I'm preparing myself for becoming a mommy. I can't wait to share my thoughts with you. Ever since we found out I've been doing a crazy amount of reading, journaling, pinning, and I've got LOTS to share. :)
Again, thank you SO much for all of your encouragement, celebration, and love!!! We are SO thrilled and SO excited. Yay for baby Wallace on the way!!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Jon and I are SO SO SO excited to finally announce that we are having a baby!!!!! Little Wallace is due on February 3rd. We found out we were pregnant extremely early and have been bursting at the seams waiting to announce our big news to family and friends. :) It has been so wonderful telling loved ones along the way and remembering their reactions and excitement.
I'm currently 11 weeks along and definitely ready for the "honeymoon" phase of the second trimester. We've felt so blessed and so thrilled. We can't wait to see little Wallace in 2014! Jon has been so sweet and caring to me during this time. He's learned how to do pregnancy massages, makes sure I eat good food, and constantly reminds me to drink my water. He's so excited to be a dad, and I'm so thankful for a wonderful and loving husband. I'm totally crazy for my man! This will be my parents' first grandchild and his parents' second, so there's a lot of excitement buzzing around our family right now. As well, my friends have been so supportive and excited for us. They've even let me share all the nitty-gritty/weird symptoms I've been experiencing. It's been hard work building a human, but I'm so amazed at how beautiful our bodies were created, and how they know exactly what to do. I've had many, "Oh my gosh, there's a human growing inside of me..." moments.
A couple weeks ago, we got to see the little gummy bear or "baby-do" as we've lovingly started calling it, during an ultrasound. We had known for several weeks already that we were pregnant but being able to finally see that precious heartbeat, beating away, and see its little tiny arms and feet wiggle took our breath away. I tried not to laugh or get too excited so I wouldn't ruin the picture, but we both just smiled like goofs. It was such a special moment.
Although I've never been one to journal a ton, I've been making sure to record these special moments along the way. (As well as all of the things I've been feeling, both good and bad.)
I've been so excited to share this news with all of you!! We can't wait to meet little Wallace "baby-do" soon!!!!!
I'm currently 11 weeks along and definitely ready for the "honeymoon" phase of the second trimester. We've felt so blessed and so thrilled. We can't wait to see little Wallace in 2014! Jon has been so sweet and caring to me during this time. He's learned how to do pregnancy massages, makes sure I eat good food, and constantly reminds me to drink my water. He's so excited to be a dad, and I'm so thankful for a wonderful and loving husband. I'm totally crazy for my man! This will be my parents' first grandchild and his parents' second, so there's a lot of excitement buzzing around our family right now. As well, my friends have been so supportive and excited for us. They've even let me share all the nitty-gritty/weird symptoms I've been experiencing. It's been hard work building a human, but I'm so amazed at how beautiful our bodies were created, and how they know exactly what to do. I've had many, "Oh my gosh, there's a human growing inside of me..." moments.
A couple weeks ago, we got to see the little gummy bear or "baby-do" as we've lovingly started calling it, during an ultrasound. We had known for several weeks already that we were pregnant but being able to finally see that precious heartbeat, beating away, and see its little tiny arms and feet wiggle took our breath away. I tried not to laugh or get too excited so I wouldn't ruin the picture, but we both just smiled like goofs. It was such a special moment.
Although I've never been one to journal a ton, I've been making sure to record these special moments along the way. (As well as all of the things I've been feeling, both good and bad.)
I've been so excited to share this news with all of you!! We can't wait to meet little Wallace "baby-do" soon!!!!!
Friday, July 12, 2013
A couple months ago I stumbled upon this neat post about creating a plan when things get overwhelming called The Sanity Manifesto. I read over it a couple times and really appreciated the ideas and thoughtfulness behind it. I've always loved having a "plan" and I've always been a huge list person. Making a list of projects I want to accomplish for the summer, making a list of to-dos before a meeting, writing out lists and lists of ideas. That's one of the reasons the idea of The Sanity Manifesto really appealed to me.
Life can get overwhelming. In good ways and in not-so-awesome-ways. You can suddenly have a lot on your plate, major life changes can occur, or you can just be feeling under the weather. In any case, life sometimes calls for a little sanity. Lately, I've been a little under the weather and thinking a lot about things I can do to be peaceful, love on myself, and love on others. I decided to take the idea of a Sanity Manifesto and create my own list of things that I can do to make myself feel sane and happy. Here are some of the things on my Sanity Manifesto:
1// light a candle
2// have a no-plans day and simply go with the flow
3// spend time reading books, magazines, and looking at creative things
4// don't stay in bed all day, it'll just make you feel worse
5// spend time with "your people", those that are the closest to you and encourage you
6// make lists of things you look forward to and things you're grateful for
7// watch comedies and do things to make yourself laugh
8// try something new
9// have a pamper night
10// write someone you love a letter or do something special for them
11// go on a date with your significant other
12// take a break from things that are adding too much stress
13// slow down
14// spend time in quiet
15// reward yourself for accomplishing big tasks and projects
16// be honest with yourself
17// journal or scrapbook memories
18// balance your "no's" and your "yes's"
19// eat good and healthy food, also have some treats every now and then
20// take time to be creative and brainstorm exciting ideas and goals
What kind of things would you put on your Sanity Manifesto? I would love to see yours! Feel free to create one of your own and include your link in the comment section below. I think this is such a great thing to create for yourself and tuck away for those extra days of needed sanity. :)
Happy weekend, friends!! I hope it's relaxing and full of joy!
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Life can get overwhelming. In good ways and in not-so-awesome-ways. You can suddenly have a lot on your plate, major life changes can occur, or you can just be feeling under the weather. In any case, life sometimes calls for a little sanity. Lately, I've been a little under the weather and thinking a lot about things I can do to be peaceful, love on myself, and love on others. I decided to take the idea of a Sanity Manifesto and create my own list of things that I can do to make myself feel sane and happy. Here are some of the things on my Sanity Manifesto:
1// light a candle
2// have a no-plans day and simply go with the flow
3// spend time reading books, magazines, and looking at creative things
4// don't stay in bed all day, it'll just make you feel worse
5// spend time with "your people", those that are the closest to you and encourage you
6// make lists of things you look forward to and things you're grateful for
7// watch comedies and do things to make yourself laugh
8// try something new
9// have a pamper night
10// write someone you love a letter or do something special for them
11// go on a date with your significant other
12// take a break from things that are adding too much stress
13// slow down
14// spend time in quiet
15// reward yourself for accomplishing big tasks and projects
16// be honest with yourself
17// journal or scrapbook memories
18// balance your "no's" and your "yes's"
19// eat good and healthy food, also have some treats every now and then
20// take time to be creative and brainstorm exciting ideas and goals
What kind of things would you put on your Sanity Manifesto? I would love to see yours! Feel free to create one of your own and include your link in the comment section below. I think this is such a great thing to create for yourself and tuck away for those extra days of needed sanity. :)
Happy weekend, friends!! I hope it's relaxing and full of joy!
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
1// Leather Peep-Toe Skimmer by UO - Love these simple flats and all of the colors they come in!
2// Lip Tar by Obsessive Complusive Cosmetics - One of my new favorite lip products! Lip tar is 100% vegan and comes in tons of beautiful colors. The colors are vibrant and a little dot of color is all you need. My sister got me one for my birthday and I love it. You can find Lip Tar at Sephora. :)
3// Monthly Planner by MochiThings - I'm a sucker for calendars and anything organizational.
4// Volcano Candle by Anthropologie - This is one of my all-time favorite smelling candles. It's citrusy with a hint of melon. I just love it and am always smelling it anytime I go into Anthropologie.
5// New Stay Flawless Primer by Benefit Cosmetics - I've been obsessing over Benefit Cosmetics lately. My family got me some of their products for my birthday and I've got an Ulta gift card burning a hole in my pocket! The other day I spent 30 minutes in Sephora talking to a Benefit consultant and having her show me all of the products. It was so fun and made me love the brand even more. I'm looking forward to trying their new primer product. Also, the packaging is superb!!
6// Kick Flare Jeans by Free People - What? I haven't worn a pair of flared jeans since highschool. I've been loving all things Free People lately and I would love to have a pair of their flared jeans as something a little different to add to my wardrobe.
What's on your July wishlist?!
Monday, July 08, 2013
Hello, friends. It's good to be back from vacation. To be honest, it's been a dreary, rainy time in Atlanta for the past week and we are finally starting to get a little sunshine. It's amazing how incessant amounts of rain can make you feel so "blah". Also, thanks so much for all of your sweet birthday wishes yesterday. They were so kind and really made my day. :) I'm really looking forward to 25.
As a "just because", I'd like to offer all of my readers 30% off my ad prices! This includes the large spots and medium spots. Just use JULYLOVE during checkout to get your discounted ad. :)
Hope all of you are doing wonderfully. :)
As a "just because", I'd like to offer all of my readers 30% off my ad prices! This includes the large spots and medium spots. Just use JULYLOVE during checkout to get your discounted ad. :)
Hope all of you are doing wonderfully. :)
Sunday, July 07, 2013
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
I wore this little fringe number a ton while I was in New York. I found this piece at H&M and what was originally intended for a bathing suit cover, became a fun outerwear piece for my wardrobe. ;) I just loved the fun floral print, colors, and TIGERS! The only thing about this piece is that the fringe is made of loops, which got caught on everything. I'm thinking about going back and cutting them so they'll be straight fringe and not get snagged so easily.
Jenny snapped these photos of me in Times Square before we saw Cinderella on Broadway. It was such a fun adventure. :) Also, very much enjoying this week off. It's been such a blessing and very much needed. Happy Wednesday, friends. :)
Wearing: 1// Fringe Cover - H&M 2// Grey Tank - Target 3// Jean Shorts - Forever21 4// Head Scarf - Thrifted 5// Minnetonka's - Thrifted 6// Locket - Francesca's 7// Teal Ring - Urban Outfitters
Jenny snapped these photos of me in Times Square before we saw Cinderella on Broadway. It was such a fun adventure. :) Also, very much enjoying this week off. It's been such a blessing and very much needed. Happy Wednesday, friends. :)
Wearing: 1// Fringe Cover - H&M 2// Grey Tank - Target 3// Jean Shorts - Forever21 4// Head Scarf - Thrifted 5// Minnetonka's - Thrifted 6// Locket - Francesca's 7// Teal Ring - Urban Outfitters
Monday, July 01, 2013
This week is vacation week! Jon and I are planning to take this week off to relax, spend time with family and friends, and take a little mind break from work. We try to take larger chunks of time off every 6 months to refresh ourselves and get our minds on track to be productive and work hard.
We have a couple of 4th of July related plans. My brother is turning 21 on the 4th so we'll be celebrating with him and I'm turning 25 on the 7th. Woah! I'm feeling good about twenty-five. I have a couple of blog posts planned, so even though I'll be mostly away, I'll still plan to share some fun posts with you! Also! I know everyone might know this by now, but Google Reader is going bye-bye. Make sure to subscribe to this blog using a new platform. I'm a huge fan of Bloglovin and highly suggest it. :)
Snapshot(s) of the Week: 1// So thrilled to have announced The Brand Market last week! Check out our site here. 2// Spent a little birthday money on goodies from Ulta. 3// Kyo kitty! 4// Love this sweet picture captured by Justin Hackworth at Alt Summit.
5 Favorite Posts:
* Candid Thoughts on Bloggers' "Perfect Lives" by Delightfully Tacky
* Style by Hello There Home
* Hospital Bag Survival Kit by In Honor of Design
* DIY Swing by Designlovefest
* June Beauty Favorites by Essie Button
3 Things About Yours Truly:
* Just started watching "The Killing", recommended to me by my sister and brother-in-law.
* Celebrated my niece's 1st birthday last weekend! Love that little booger.
* July is my second favorite month. December comes in first. ;)
We have a couple of 4th of July related plans. My brother is turning 21 on the 4th so we'll be celebrating with him and I'm turning 25 on the 7th. Woah! I'm feeling good about twenty-five. I have a couple of blog posts planned, so even though I'll be mostly away, I'll still plan to share some fun posts with you! Also! I know everyone might know this by now, but Google Reader is going bye-bye. Make sure to subscribe to this blog using a new platform. I'm a huge fan of Bloglovin and highly suggest it. :)
Snapshot(s) of the Week: 1// So thrilled to have announced The Brand Market last week! Check out our site here. 2// Spent a little birthday money on goodies from Ulta. 3// Kyo kitty! 4// Love this sweet picture captured by Justin Hackworth at Alt Summit.
5 Favorite Posts:
* Candid Thoughts on Bloggers' "Perfect Lives" by Delightfully Tacky
* Style by Hello There Home
* Hospital Bag Survival Kit by In Honor of Design
* DIY Swing by Designlovefest
* June Beauty Favorites by Essie Button
3 Things About Yours Truly:
* Just started watching "The Killing", recommended to me by my sister and brother-in-law.
* Celebrated my niece's 1st birthday last weekend! Love that little booger.
* July is my second favorite month. December comes in first. ;)
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