Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Last weekend, we got to throw a baby shower for Jenny! It was so much fun planning a party and I loved being able to host it at my place. Our newly painted dining room made for the perfect party room! Of course, I couldn't resist the beautiful party supplies from the new Oh Joy line at Target. I might have gone a little crazy. ;) -- We decided to have lots of sweets at the party! We had delicious macarons from 'Lette (see awesome coupon code below!) and cupcakes from CamiCakes as well as a bowl full of yummy fruit and Jenny's famous punch.

I loved watching Jenny open all her gifts! I can't wait to see how Rowan's nursery comes together and be able to meet the little man in April or May! I just love being able to celebrate life with wonderful friends. :)

Planning a baby shower while having a newborn can be a little tricky, so I loved that places like 'Lette Macarons shipped us cookies overnight to enjoy! 'Lette is so kind and is offering my readers an exclusive %15 discount on all orders placed between now and next Tuesday. Just pick out your favorites on their website and email your order to: paulettebh1@gmail.com or call (310) 275-0023. Don't forget to mention "Maiedae Macarons" to receive your discount!