Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Threads: 4.20.11

"Threads is a frequent feature all about affordability, comfort, and versatility while still capturing your sense of personal style. For more details behind Threads, click here!"

I love the color of the cardigan I scored on clearance at Target a couple weeks ago. It really adds a cute springy look to any outfit. :) I'm finding that I really love mixing patterns and colors that wouldn't normally be put together. It's actually hard for me to wear an outfit without at least one pattern!

Top - Bottom (pricing is approximate)
* Into the Woods Headband: MaieDae - $17.00
* Aqua Cardigan: Target - $12.80
* Ivory Ruffle Shift: Thrifted - $4.49
* Antiqued Gold Watch Necklace - $25.00
* Striped Skirt: Forever21 - $15.80
* Herringbone Tights: Forever21 - $4.80
* Royal Blue Flats: Plato's Closet - $3.00
* Peach n Gold Ring: Forever21 - Gifted

Approximate Outfit Total (including accessories) = 82.00