Sunday, January 15, 2012


I'm so thankful for this long weekend! On Saturday, as part of my Christmas, Jon took me to Scott's Antique Market in Atlanta. It's an annual antique show that is only around for a few weekends, so there are a TON of booths, and bus loads of people. I scored a couple of great pieces and also picked up some amazing finds at a local antique mall today. I'll have to share pictures on the blog this week! This weekend is also my mother-in-law and dad's birthday, so we've been doing little birthday celebrations and spending some time with our family.

Tomorrow, we get a day off, so I'm definitely hoping to get some cleaning done and possibly prep a DIY for later this week. :)

Snapshot of the Week: A few of my favorite things.

5 Favorite Blog Posts of the Week:
* Maps, Globes & Telescopes by Sincerely, Kinsey
* Less Fuss Memory Keeping by The Tiny Twig
* Embellished Tee DIY by OhRenee*Design
* Bridesmaids Hues & Hems by Pulchritude//Fest
* The Art of Planning by Pie N' the Sky

Favorite Blog of the Week:
* Tiny Twig - Inspiring women to create lives of more passion and less fuss. Just read her "No Brainer Wardrobe" e-book and LOVED it. Fantastic blog.

Inspiring me this Week:
* The No Brainer Wardrobe - As mentioned above. All about getting dressed with more confidence and less fuss.

3 Things About your Truly:
* I never have cash on me.
* My legal middle name is just the letter "K"; it doesn't stand for anything. :)
* I prefer parking to the right. I am seriously a horrible lefty parker.