Tomorrow, we get a day off, so I'm definitely hoping to get some cleaning done and possibly prep a DIY for later this week. :)
Snapshot of the Week: A few of my favorite things.
5 Favorite Blog Posts of the Week:
* Maps, Globes & Telescopes by Sincerely, Kinsey
* Less Fuss Memory Keeping by The Tiny Twig
* Embellished Tee DIY by OhRenee*Design
* Bridesmaids Hues & Hems by Pulchritude//Fest
* The Art of Planning by Pie N' the Sky
Favorite Blog of the Week:
* Tiny Twig - Inspiring women to create lives of more passion and less fuss. Just read her "No Brainer Wardrobe" e-book and LOVED it. Fantastic blog.
Inspiring me this Week:
* The No Brainer Wardrobe - As mentioned above. All about getting dressed with more confidence and less fuss.
3 Things About your Truly:
* I never have cash on me.
* My legal middle name is just the letter "K"; it doesn't stand for anything. :)
* I prefer parking to the right. I am seriously a horrible lefty parker.