Monday, March 26, 2012


I mentioned in my post earlier today that Anica and I threw a lingerie shower for Jenny! We were able to host it in an absolutely stunning place in downtown Rome, GA. The eclectic mix of industrial, rustic textures and colors were so beautiful and perfect for the shower.

We had a "cookies and milk" themed shower. Jenny LOVES sweets, especially cookies and Anica and I spent the weekend baking chocolate chip, chewy brown sugar ginger, and lemon crinkle cookies. We also bought Oreo's, Girl Scout cookies, and some frosted animal cookies!

I went to a couple different thrift stores and purchased a mix of glasses, mason jars, and jam jars to use as cups and put cute little paper straws in. I had a small collection of glass bottles with lids so we put different types of milk in each, labeled them and put them in ice inside a way cute silver tin I recently scored from Target.

Take a look at how beautiful this place is!

I wish I lived there! -- It was so fun planning this shower. Jenny had an amazing time, see her post about it here, and Anica and I were so thrilled to be able to do something special for her. :) I can't believe my best friend is getting married in June!!

Recipes for homemade cookies found here:
* Chocolate Chip Cookies
* Chewy Brown Sugar Ginger Cookies
* Lemon Crinkle Cookies