This week, I worked on taxes...guh. Jon's and my personal taxes went well, however, the taxes I've been working on for Maiedae are insane. We had to use the professional business Turbo-Tax system since Jenny and I co-own Maiedae as a partnership LLC. I DO love Turbo-Tax, but I'm just not tax savvy and I ended Friday night in a frenzy. I did the best I could and I'm going to have someone look over it for me before I file. First priority plan for 2012?? Hire an accountant asap!! Anyone know an awesome accountant in the Atlanta area?
On to Saturday. I spent the morning sleeping in as much as I could and then got my things together to take a little road to up to Rome, GA, and take engagement pictures of my bestest, Jenny and her fiancé Drew. :) We spent the whole day in the downtown area and on Berry's campus shooting. I'm working on my photography skills so it was a huge, awesome blessing that Jenny let me shoot her engagement pictures.
On Sunday, Jon and I finally had a day of rest. After church, we visited our parents and relaxed. It was much needed!! This week will be crazy fun...Anica is coming into town to help me throw some wedding showers for Jenny! We are having a couples shower on Friday night and then a fun lingerie shower on Sunday. Can't wait!
Snapshot of the Week: Here is one of my favorite pictures from the engagement shoot. I'll be sure to share some more of my favorites later in the week. :)
5 Favorite Posts this Week:
* Souvenir Foto School is Starting by Besotted Brand Blog
* Nailed It by The Beauty Department
* Floral Antlers Necklace Display by A Beautiful Mess
* Win a Spot by DesignLoveFest
* Chocolate Orange Cream Cheese Pound Cake by Joy the Baker
Favorite Blog of the Week:
* Closet Visit - A peak into some stylish and creative ladies closets.
Inspiring Me This Week:
* Dream Job E-Course - Jenny and I have been working hard behind the scenes to re-brand Maiedae with a new logo and site launch. This e-course has been super helpful in the process of thinking through our choices and helping take Maiedae to the next level.
3 Things About Yours Truly:
* Right now, I just want to nap and watch TV shows and eat homemade chocolate chip cookies. I think the high pollen count has me feeling really slow and sleepy today.
* I haven't read The Hunger Games yet. The book is sitting at my bedside waiting on me. I definitely want to read it before I see the movie. :)
* Jon and I are going to Universal Studios in May to celebrate our 2-year wedding anniversary!! We officially booked the trip last night. Ah! Can't wait.