Monday, March 26, 2012


This weekend was a shower extravaganza! On Friday night, we hosted a grill out at our apartment, and had a "date night" themed shower for Jenny and Drew's upcoming marriage. :) We asked guests to put together gifts they could use on their date nights during marriage. They received so many thoughtful gifts and are pretty much set for at least 10-15 date nights! On Saturday, I went to my sister-in-law's baby shower and celebrated my little niece's soon-to-come debut! During the shower, she had us decorate onesies for the baby. They all turned out so cute. :)

And then, finally, on Sunday, Anica and I threw a lingerie shower for Jenny! We had a super classy shower in Rome, GA. We baked tons of yummy cookies and had coffee and milk. AND the location was to die for! I'll be sharing pictures later today or tomorrow. :)

Snapshot of the Week: Glass cups and mugs from the shower. I finally had an excuse to buy paper straws!

5 Favorite Posts this Week:
* Style 45 by DesignLoveFest
* 5 Free Fonts by The Tiny Twig
* Sourdough Starter DIY by Design*Sponge
* Herringbone Stitch Video by One Sheepish Girl
* Bleach Painting on Textiles DIY by Lune Vintage

Favorite Blog of the Week:
* Violet Bella - I love Laura's blog. She is so creative, inspirational and beautiful, inside and out. She takes gorgeous pictures and has a beautiful bohemian sense of style.

Inspiring Me This Week:
* All of these style posts on Bri's blog are flawless.

3 Things About Yours Truly:
* I LOVE hosting parties.
* I'm the worst at getting things hung up in our home.
* During college, I worked for Red Robin for one day.

How was your weekend?