Tuesday, March 06, 2012


I'm so excited to share one of my favorite artists with you on today's Fancy Shmancy! I met Jordan while we were both vendors for the Indie Craft Parade in Greenville last year. I immediately fell in love with her artwork. She is so talented and has such a strong art style and branding. I wanted to buy everything at her booth!

I recently ordered some custom paper dolls of Jonathon and I from her, as well as her beautiful "Yes Ma'am" print. I can't wait to see the dolls and hang my print soon! If you check out her website, you'll see that she does tons of custom and commissioned art pieces. Like a life-size portrait?! Her art gallery shots are beautiful. I definitely recommend taking a look at her site or purchasing a beautiful piece of your own from her etsy shop.

All images are from JordanGrace.com
As soon as I get the custom paper dolls, I'll be sure to share! I'm planning to frame them in a shadowbox for our home. Isn't her work just wonderful?!