Friday, March 16, 2012


Maiedae is now accepting sponsors for April! The large solo feature, and plenty of medium and small ad spaces are available for next month. :) Check out my rates and stats on my sponsorship page here. Email my extremely sweet and helpful ad manager, Leah, at to reserve your spot!

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Giveaway Time!
Win a free medium sponsor spot for the month of April! Don't worry; if you reserve a spot now and find out you win later, I will send you a refund and (if needed) upgrade you from a small to a medium spot. Within a couple days, I will select and announce TWO winners!  

Here's all you have to do: 
Main Entry: Leave your name and link to your blog//business you would like to advertise!

Bonus Entries (please leave one comment per bonus entry) :
1. Follow MaieDae via Bloglovin.
2. Follow MaieDae via GFC on the left.
3. Like MaieDae on Facebook.
4. Tweet about it! You can copy and paste this: @Maiedae is giving away a free medium ad space to two winners!