Thursday, April 26, 2012


Month four of my Thrift-tiquing challenge! Today I took a little lunch break and went over to a beautiful antique store called Kudzu. It was stunning, beautiful...and I want to go everyday! A dear friend of mine, Emily, of The Wonder List has recently inspired me to be more adventurous. She's so good about exploring new places to eat, shop and visit. Her repertoire of places she's already visited in Atlanta is quite impressive and it makes me feel lame-o for not taking the time to explore where I live more. I've been able to visit a couple new places and I've really enjoyed that adventurous feeling! I think I always had the "grass is always greener" syndrome about where I live, but I'm starting to realize Atlanta is a pretty snazzy place and has a lot to offer. :)

So Kudzu was a new-to-me place I've never visited before and I realized it was only 10 minutes away from where I live! It's antique heaven!

I picked up four beautiful stoneware plates from Kudzu in this retro little booth. I've been wanting to build a dinnerware collection of mix-matched vintage plates, bowls and cups and I thought this would be the perfect start to my collection! :) Fun Facts: These stoneware dinner plates where hand painted in Japan. 

Another good month of antiquing down! 


  1. I love this idea of a unique collection! I used to think everything had to match.

  2. I have these same plates! Love them :)

  3. those plates are gorgeous. What a great collection. :)

  4. Anonymous28.4.12

    Now you're going to need an awesome way to display them all :)

  5. Anonymous27.9.12

    I got four of the bottom right plates at a thrift store last week. They are lovely and make me smile! :)
