Friday, October 26, 2012


I've had "design new business cards" on my to-do list for months! Since Jenny and I are business partners and we each have our own lifestyle blogs, we decided to create a Maiedae business card that shows us as graphic designers and separate "blog" cards to feature our individual blogs. :) I used MOO to print my cards and love the quality of how each of them turned out. MOO has amazing customer service, a great turnaround, and easy to use site. Love them!

Here are my blog cards! For these I went with the standard business cards in matte. I love the feeling of these and the thickness. On the front, I featured a portrait and our Maiedae icon. On the back is information on how to find me and icons that share all of the social networks I'm linked's so helpful to have my handle be the same for each one! The first batch of these had an error on the front. I accidentally included a "+" mark right in the middle of my face. Opps! I contacted MOO about the error and they shipped me brand new ones, fixed, at no extra charge. They get an A+ in my book. ;)

And these are our new Maiedae business cards! We decided to go with a really simple and clean look. These are their luxe business cards with a black edging (which adds a nice little touch). While I DO love these and think the thickness is great and that they would also be great to write on...I actually prefer their standard business cards more. :)

Jenny and I are scheduled to attend some local Atlanta events, especially in 2013, and can't wait to start handing these bad boys out! Hello, networking! Oh! And if you'd like a special 10% discount via MOO you can click here.

Enjoy your weekend, friends!!


  1. They look fantastic! I really like both of your designs.

    I still have loads in stock, but I'll definitely consider MOO once I'm out:)

  2. OOoooooo Ive been needing to do this as well! Thanks for the info. I am definitely going to consider MOO. Especially with this sahweeeeet discount.

  3. I have been trying to decide how to design my business cards for the last two weeks! I am so picky and indecisive! I'm surprised I was able to pick out and love my tattoos!

  4. Lovely cards!


  5. I love! People always comment about how nice my cards are. Yours turned out lovely!

  6. Anonymous27.10.12

    These are beautiful! I love the portrait you've used and the continuation between the two. Everyone always seems to rave about MOO... I may have to investigate for my next lot of cards!
    Nikki Joy x

  7. Love how elegant and simple are your business carda and how colorful and full of life are your personal cards :)

  8. Stunning design! I totally love these xoxo


  9. eeekkk, i need some! and i wish you could be a fulltime Roots and Feathers model, oh my!!! i love the photo you chose. (and i love Moo) :)

  10. What a nice post with great info. I was just searching for the best plastic business cards designs. Its over here. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Anonymous20.11.12

    Cards represent you in front of others, every professional must have them, and personally i prefer plastic business cards as they are much more charming and captivating....
