Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Threads: 5.11.11

"Threads is a frequent feature all about affordability, comfort, and versatility while still capturing your sense of personal style. For more details behind Threads, click here!"

This outfit was for a day full of shopping and catch-up with my bestie Anica who's home for a short while from Texas. I've missed her sooo much. It's been four very long months! We did some treasure hunting at the local thrift store, caught the "frappy hour", at Starbucks and window shopped at Perimeter mall.

This outfit was one of my favorites this week -- I used one of my light weather scarfs to make a fun turban hat since I wasn't having the best hair day and mixed it with some seventies inspired colors and good walkin shoes! I used to be really stuck on blacks, greys, and blues -- so evolving those colors since last year has been so fun to experiment with:

Top - Bottom (pricing is approximate)
* Scarf used as Turban: Target - $15.00
* Sunglasses (my new favs!): Urban Outfitters - $10.00
* Olive Cardigan: Target - $9.89
* Cream Flowy Shirt: Thrifted - $4.50
* Skinny Jeans: Forever 21 - $13.00
* Brown Ankle Oxfords: Forever 21 - $25.00
* Oval Fauceted Ring: Forever 21 - Gifted
* Feather Ring: Urban Outfitters - $4.99

Approximate Outfit Total (including accessories) = 82.38