Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

This week has been eventful and fun! Jon and I have had fun playing with our new kitty. I came back from Chicago on Friday and was able to attend a very inspiring leadership conference. I spent Saturday with Jon and we spent Sunday visiting our families. :)

Snapshot of the Week: 
My sister (far right) playing in a coffee shop with her boyfriend and friend. She was amazing, I'm such a proud sister. :)
Five Favorite Posts this Week:
* Watermelon & Braids by Food Coma (see Emma wearing one of my rings!)
* Our New Store by Oh So Lovely
* Five Tips for Better Self-Portraits by A Beautiful Mess
* Vintage Sheet to Pretty Skirt by Smile & Wave
* Newest Member of the Wallace Clan by MaieDae

Three Things About Yours Truly:
* My maiden name is Jones
* Yesterday, I was super emotional for no good reason
* My favorite quote right now is by Seth Godin, "Don't wait to be picked, pick yourself."

Videoclip of the Week: I love Maria; she's adorable. See this way-pretty lookbook she created for her shop.

Hope your week//weekend was wonderful!