I'm SO excited that Jenny and her husband are starting on a couple of pieces for me for the living room. I've been pondering this space way too long and it's time to get started! One of the big "I'm not sure what to do" elements of this space is the gigantic wall to the left of our fireplace. I've thought about painting it to make it an accent wall...but I'm thinking that might be too plain, especially since most of the furniture and decorations in this space will most likely be neutral. I've thought about stenciling it with paint...but I think there's way too much room for error, especially for me! The thought I keep coming to over and over again is to use a bold wallpaper and make it into a statement piece. I'm leaning more and more towards this idea. I mean how hard can wallpapering one wall be? She said to herself as flashes of not matching up the pattern and running out before finishing cloud her mind. I think I might have to enlist a little help from someone who has experience in this area!
So, if we ARE indeed leaning towards wallpaper, my next trick is to find some awesome wallpaper that isn't blow-your-mind expensive, in a pattern that I actually like. I've been scooping out Pinterest and a few stores and have found some patterns I like but are a little on the pricey end for my budget. Here are some of my favorites:
The first two are from Anthropologie. I really LOVE the birch tree paper but it's nearly $200 per roll and I think I would need 2-3 to do the entire wall, which is ALOT. Overall, I think I'm really drawn to the metallic gold wallpaper choices. I love some glam in my decor and I think the dining/living room area could benefit from a little extra pizazz. The bottom three wallpapers are from Hygge & West which is less expensive but still a wee bit pricey.
And just for some context...here is a before picture of the wall I would like to put it on. It's pretty large...and most likely the TV will also be on this wall, possibly mounted. Also note: the couch is the only thing that will be staying, everything else won't be in the living room. If that helps you imagine it. ;)
So, I need something that goes beautifully with my beloved caramel leather couch and will essentially be the "superstar" of the room. I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. If you have any advice for putting up wallpaper successfully, I would also LOVE to know your tips. As well, If you have any shops you recommend I check out that have great/affordable wallpaper I would love to know! Have a lovely Wednesday, friends!