Monday, March 11, 2013


Had a fairly uneventful week. Worked hard on lots of designs for clients, had lunch with a friend during the middle of the week, had a wonderful date night with Jon, a delicious Starbucks Maiedae meeting date with Jenny on Thursday, started getting sick during the end of the week but have been feeling better, relaxed during the weekend, and spent time with family and friends on Sunday!

I'm working on picking up the pace with my living room decorating. Jenny and her husband are going to build me a couple pieces for the space so I'm stoked to have a starting place. Can't wait to show you what they're putting together. :)

Snapshot(s) of the Week: 1// Lush haul! Can't wait to do a review of some of the new products I've been trying. 2// Kyo buddy quacking at the birds outside. 3// Sometimes I forget that I love H&M. 4// So excited to have shot a video this week about having red hair! Will be posted soon!

5 Favorite Posts:
* Be Free, Lance: Lessons Learned by Breanna Rose
* Why I'm Not Confirming You as a Friend on Facebook by Oh Sweet Joy
* Facebook Re-Vamps News Feed and What it Means for Bloggers by IFB
* How I Transformed My Work Centered Life from Stressed to Sane by Kyla Roma
* Thoughts on Lifestyle Photography by A Beautiful Mess

Favorite Blog of the Week:
Essie Button - Love this girl. She has a great beauty channel on YouTube as well as a great blog where she reviews beauty products. She's got a little bit of sass and I love how she shoots her videos.

Inspiring Me this Week:
This week I'm feeling inspired by a lot of the posts I've been reading (some listed above) about working for yourself, setting boundaries, and finding balance. I'm working on getting this whole thing down and loving it so far!

3 Things About Yours Truly:
* Spent 4.5 hours Saturday night cleaning and organizing our room. Feels so good!
* Muffins are one of my favorite breakfast foods.
* I mostly steal Jon's socks to wear, so this week he bought me a pack of my own. ;)