Happy Easter!! Today's Easter celebrations were humble. We had a delicious lunch with my parents and are spending the rest of the day at home. I've been thinking a lot about my sweet little niece lately. I can't believe she's going to be 1 in June! I haven't seen her since Christmastime and I'm dying to hug and squeeze that little cutie pie. Hopefully busy schedules will clear up soon so we can take a road trip up to Bluffton, SC. :)
On the side, Jenny and I have been busy planning our annual Maiedae retreat for when she comes on board full-time in a couple weeks! We decided it would be good to do a little getaway once a year dedicated to spending some time together and doing lots of planning and vision casting for Maiedae. This year we are staying in downtown Savannah, GA. I cannot wait!! AND I Can't wait to start working full-time with my best friend.
Snapshot(s) of the Week: 1// A little statement decor piece we picked up for the living room. 2// Saturday was Caturday. 3// Finally hung up this bad boy. I love the way this looks in our entryway. 4// Putting together a little LUSH product review video for you to see later this week!
5 Favorite Posts:
* Scratch & TDS Collab: Nail Wraps by The Dainty Squid
* Free Printable Easter Illustration by Kelli Murray
* Resources on Tax Time by Alt Summit
* 52 Lists by Moorea Seal
* A Juice Cleanse by Hello There Home
Favorite Blog of the Week:
Oh, Sweet Joy! - Kim is such a beauty and I've always enjoyed her blog! She and her husband are going to have their first child soon and I've been loving their adorable maternity photos. :)
Inspiring Me this Week:
Lately I've been figuring out and researching great ways and helpful apps to organize our business. It's been fun to try and find simple solutions to our everyday needs and figure out a system that will work for us. Once I get everything down I'll be sure to share our business organization tips with you! In the meantime, if you have any favorite resources/apps, please share!!
3 Things About Yours Truly:
* Officially creeped out by the Easter bunny due to this. Why!?
* JUST finished reading the first Hunger Games book. I know, I know! It took me long enough. I'm on the second and really enjoying it so far. Reading has become one of my new nighttime hobbies now that I'm not working at nights. :)
* I've really been wanting to watch Holiday in the Sun lately. It was one of my favorite movies as a tween. Anyone else a serious Mary-Kate and Ashley fan?? And they totally have this amazing collectors set on Amazon that I think I might need buy.