Monday, March 25, 2013


Jon and I had such a wonderful day yesterday. We woke up early and drove to get breakfast, we had a great time talking and watching the rain. It's been raining for days! Afterward, we walked in and out of Ikea in under an hour to pick up some things for our living room. A new record-breaking time! Sometimes I think Ikea is a time warp. You walk in on a Friday and walk out on a Sunday. ;) There is an area in Atlanta called Atlantic Station that is similar to a giant outdoor mall. It has lots of shops, restaurants, a movie theatre, and lofts all within walking distance of each other. Since most of the shops don't open until noon on Sundays we decided to sit in a little cafe and enjoy some drinks. We did a little more shopping for our living room, found some incredible deals, and then headed home for the day.

Jon's parents came over to visit and we made them dinner. I spent a little time adding in some new pieces to our living room. I'm SO excited to finally start seeing some progress! And I got to spend some time with my friend Leah for the rest of the evening. And now, onto a full week of designs and Maiedae work!

Snapshots of the Week: 1// Jenny and I met up with the beautiful and witty Maddie of Thriftary during one of her trips to Atlanta. So great to finally meet her in person. :) 2// Spent Friday evening making our bathroom a little getaway; love how relaxing it feels now. 3// Had a lunch date with an old friend, Holly. So great to see her after so long. :) Be sure to check out her fashion blog here. 4// Ikea goodies!

5 Favorite Posts:
* New Living Room by DesignLoveFest 
* Pillow Talk by A Beautiful Mess
* A Day in The Life by Considering You  
* 40 Projects Just for Fun: Lighting Solution by Smile & Wave
* How to Balance Your Social Media Plate by IFB

Favorite Blog of the Week:
Hello There Home - I know I've mentioned Gina's blog on here before, but I am always motivated by her beautiful posts and photos. Recently she's been doing a spring-cleaning focus and I love reading about her ideas. So inspirational. :)

Inspiring Me this Week:
I've been nesting more than usual lately and it's made me feel so comfortable and cozy in our home. I think working from home full-time has put more motivation in me to make my surroundings homey.

3 Things About Yours Truly:
* Trying to learn how to keep house plants alive. I keep killing everything. :(
* I LOVE finding amazing deals at stores. Bought a huge piece of artwork from West Elm that was on sale for $20.00 due to a little damage. I'll probably touch it up a little and it'll be as good as new!
* I'm SO looking forward to April 15th because of this.