Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up

This week has been filled with design! I've been working on six different blog designs this week, finishing up some wedding invitation designs for my sister-in-law, and prepping for final installations. I'm having so much fun working on blog designs and have found I'm really passionate about helping bloggers improve their space and become inspired to blog. :)

On top of designing, I finished ordering supplies for the Indie Craft Parade. August is shaping up to be full of prepping and making for the show in September. I'm SOO excited! -- On a complete side-note, I got a new do! I'm kinda infamous for changing my hair style//coloring...A LOT. I always keep my curls, but the style and color change like the weather in Georgia. ;) I'll be sure to post pictures soon! In the meantime, here is the snapshot of the week!

Via: Of course I didn't take this, but my oh my aren't they darling?! And their bathing suits? Here's to living up the remainder of summer. 

Five Favorite Posts this Week:
* Society 6 by Honestly WTF
* Darn Cute Jewelry DIY by My Best Friend Jules
* Before & After Trolley Depot Renovation by Design*Sponge
* New Work: Peachy Pink by Oh my Deer
* Easy Peasy Homemade Donuts by Pretty Little Mustache

Three Things About Yours Truly:
* My current favorite bagels are Panera's Sesame bagels.
* Never really watched the "Harry Potter" series until last week. I watched every one and then had my husband take me to the theatre to see the final. Conclusion: Loved it.
* My dream is to build a house. Jon and I have been thinking up ideas this past week and I'm getting a little too excited.

Videoclip of the Week: Shot entirely on a cell phone and winner of the Nokia Shorts competition. Splitscreen: A Love Story. -- This is so precious, you'll die.

Splitscreen: A Love Story from JW Griffiths on Vimeo.

I hope your weekend was wonderful and full of rest and fun...and all your favorite things. :)