Friday, October 14, 2011


I am so thankful. 

I recently found out that I have severely abnormal (pre-cancerous) cells on a spot that was recently removed from my back. I went in this past Tuesday to have surgery and remove any cells in the area that might cause problems later. I've been resting, sleeping, working a little, and taking it easy this week. To me, my healing 2.5 inch scar represents mercy and my thankfulness that it was caught and taken care of before becoming too serious.

I'm not one to lay out in the sun or attempt to get tan. I certainly had to learn to embrace my fair skin at an early age. Encountering this skin problem was a huge surprise to me, but has really made me aware of taking good care of my myself and going to the dermatologist annually. 

I am extremely grateful for such a sweet husband that takes care of me, helps me stay comfortable, changes my bandages twice a day, and sat with me during the procedure to keep my mind off of what was going on. I'm grateful for my family who calls and prays for me. I'm thankful for my sweet friend, Jenny who brought me flowers and key lime pie! Dessert is always the key to my heart. :) 

Stitches are coming out in two weeks and I can't wait to get a good back rub!

I should be back into the MaieDae swing of things very soon. I've got a lot of really exciting things planned for the remainder of the year and I can't wait to share! I truly appreciate all of your thoughts, prayers, and support. I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend. :)